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What Would an All Black Regional America Look Like?
© 2016 James LaFond
“Hey James looks like this an opportunity for you to do some serious speculative ethnography. Much in the same vein as Sir Thomas Moore's ‘Utopia’. Like what would Omowale's ‘Blacktopia’ look like? What system of government would it be likely to have? What would be the major political divisions? What would its economy be based on. What would its major exports be? Further, since we already know that even black people don't want to live in majority black neighborhoods (or countries), how would this new nation prevent ‘black flight’?”
-Jeremy Bentham
January, 1, 2025, the fences of Dindutopia—around the former states of Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Tennessee, with the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers and the Gulf Coast greatly aiding the control of egress and ingress necessary for a tariff-based society to flourish—go up.
There are no taxes in Dindutopia—none, beat that Whitey!
There are no police in Dindutopia—free at last, free at last, Lord, free at last!
There is no capital of Dindutopia as it is a peripheral nation.
Dindutopia has no extradition treaty with The White States of America.
There are no prisons or jails, drug laws, liquor laws, traffic laws—it is a free country. Can you say that, Whitey?
No, your taxpaying ass cannot.
There is a government of Dindutopia that occupies the half-mile wide government zone that circles the nation, fenced on the inside, which means that the main perk you get for joining the government—which is done by buying shares and investing in the government—is waterfront access and the ability to travel freely into the White States of America to buy stuff that the residents of Dindutpia cannot produce.
Aside from buying into the government, the State itself is financed according to the following scheme:
1. White people—no matter what they have done—can get into Dindutopia for 50K
2. Black people may enter Dindutopia for free!
3. Asians get in for 10k each
4. Latinos get in for 25k
5. Africans are not allowed the fuck in, alright!
6. Whites may leave for a million.
7. Blacks may apply to leave. Their application will then be sent to White America. If White America wants them, they have to pay the Dindutopian government 1 million to get their Negro back. If White America does not want their black ass they only have to pay Dindutopia 10k a year to keep that Dindu in Dindutopia.
8. Asians may leave for 100k
9. Latinos may leave for 50k
Every black person that moves into Dindutopia gets free housing and access to whatever they want to take from anyone else, including cars, food, money, sex...
Every black woman may apply for welfare, which pays 2k per month, cash, bitch.
That’s Dindutopia, you have read all you need to know, next immigrant, please
The free housing is that Filipino Marine surplus pup-tent that the big brother handed you before he chained the gate behind you. Welfare is paid to all females their first month [See Snoop Dog at The Big-Ass Easy. He pays all his girls 2k their first month—en don't you be showin' up all fat en sloppy ether.] For additional welfare you must see the welfare agency—as soon as we hire her. If you would like to apply to be the welfare agency, fill out your qualifications on the back of this survey, place it in your empty Pepsi bottle, and toss it in the river. Our Human resources agency in New Orleans will process your application. If you would like to be the Human Resources Director state that on your application.
Thank you for moving to Dindutopia—now move the fuck out da way!
The Gray Ghost Never Rests
harm city
Dintutopia Addendum
winter of a fighting life
the greatest lie ever sold
solo boxing
thriving in bad places
fiction anthology one
songs of arуas
B     Jul 24, 2016

How is the medical care?

How are the child protective services?

What are convenience stores like? I keep hearing about Dinduhoods being "food deserts" because whitey won't bring the brothas the nutritious organic food they crave, preferring to hoard it at Whole Foods, so they get sickle cell anemia and Da Monsta and all that. What's the food situation in Dindustan?
James     Jul 25, 2016

Child protective services?

As a humanitarian nation, Dindutopia invites all concerned white liberals to pay their entrance fee and set up their own child advocacy organization, staffed by as many cute, young, unarmed white women as possible.

The food situation in Dindutopia is flush Brutha B. By the way, Webone Shoop has been analyzing your comments and has determined that you are a Black Isrаelite, so you can get in for free!

Here's what we've got going on in Dindutopia for your big behind:

-PepsiCo and Coke will both be authorized to set up bottling facilities in the half mile exclusionary zone, so that they may operate free of all government regulation and export to White America and beyond tariff free. In return they will provide a national soft drink tap system, accessible for free via public taps that they must maintain. Since we foresee problems with maintaining the existing hydro systems with available Dindu volunteers, these companies will basically serve as the national utility.

-PepsiCo will be given exclusive rights to set up eateries in Dindutopia, including KFC, Taco Bell and whatever-the-hell burger joint they own, in return for feeding workers for the Red Cross, and various missionary and do-gooder initiatives to provide healthcare and medical facilities.

There will be no food desert in Dindutopia, for we will permit Kashi cereal and the Newman Foundation to operate expense and regulation free, on land donated for their use in the government zone, provided they give each free immigrant a sample food packet, with seed pouch, complete with directions for planting, harvesting, refining and preparing their own hippie superfoods.

[How much you want to bet they eat the seeds!]

Yes, convenience stores. The various fortified law enforcement, national guard and former White America military bases, including County Sheriff posts, will be given to Pakistani, Korean and Indian merchants to operate as defensible trading posts. I was also considering providing 50 caliber machine guns and Pepsi-hose-canons mounted on the roof tops and flying you in to train the eldest sons of the merchant families in the various aspects of fire discipline. As such, convenience stores would become the center of a post white, Dindu feudal society.

Oh yes, with Nashville falling into Dindu hands, we would convert the Grand Ole Opry to a rap venue and Dollywood to a snack cake manufacturing center, kind of an edible theme park like Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory, with creamery themed on blonde slave girl fantasies, which should bring in tourist dollars from degenerate Germany...
WellRead Ed     Jul 25, 2016

It's not hard to figure out what a Dindu Nation would look like; just look at Baltimore, Detroit, Flint, Camden, Newark, South Side Chicago, Gary, Toledo, Akron, Memphis, Birmingham, L.A., New Orleans...

First, it's a good bet that none of these prospective citizens have any marketable skills. Degrees in "Gay, Pan-African, Diaspora Oppression at the Hands of Evil Colonialists" don't help pick up the trash (something at which Dindus are notoriously remiss), or run a business. Moreover, many of them consider having a menial labor (aka 'Entry-Level) job beneath them, so there would be no one to stock the shelves at the local Stop-N-Rob, no one to work the counter ta Burger Kangz, and no one to clean up....anything.

Then, there is the issue of ownership. I would bet dollars to doughnuts that none of these people would be able to GET a mortgage, let alone pay one. Therefore, aside from a select few, most would end up renting. Renters have no vested interest in maintaining the property, making repairs, or, if North Dindustan is any indication, even reporting breakage in things like water pipes or sewer pipes. NONE of the rented residences would keep their copper pipes for much longer than it took for the ink to dry on the lease.

And finally, Dindus are horrifically murderous to one another. I assert that one would be safer in Mogadishu than in North Dindustan. Extrapolate that from isolated cities to an entire region, added to the inevitable gravitating to collectivist groups (Crips and Bloods?) and you would have an entire region of the USA that would be racked by brutal, unending violence, requiring military intervention to quell it.

Personally, I'm for it.
B     Jul 25, 2016

Glad to hear the Black Isrаelite thing came through. I guess that one dude's explanations in the comments about how the Jews are just like niցցers had something to them. I've been thinking along these lines, so have been studying the scriptures:

Asiatic Black Hebrew

The year's two thousand and two

The battle's still with the Wu

Six million devils just died of the bubonic flu

I'll hold off on moving in, though, wait for the herd to thin out a bit, you know.

As for the rest of it, they made a movie called Idiocracy along similar lines:
James     Jul 27, 2016

B, you have turned out to be an unexpected source of Hip Hop lore.

Thank you.
guest     Jul 26, 2016

It would look like Liberia, including the UN distributing food, cases of ebola and sporadic cannibalism.

Speaking of, i didn't know there was a Republic of Maryland, a small African country that existed from 1854 to 1857, when it was merged into what is now Liberia. The area was first settled in 1834 by freed African-American slaves and freeborn African Americans primarily from the U.S. state of Maryland, under the auspices of the Maryland State Colonization Society, a true life Dindustan!

And in case you haven't seen this one yet:

The Cannibal Warlords of Liberia - VICE
James     Jul 27, 2016

You are a saint with wicked horns!

Thank you.
Jeremy Bentham     Jul 26, 2016

Excellent James! Now you must expound on how the civil war in Dindutopia starts. It begins when an uninvited guest shows up at the birthday party for the President of Dindutopia. Said uninvited guest starts a fight with some of the cabinet members in attendance and is thrown out of the party. He comes back with a gun and shoots the President, the First Lady, as well as the First and Second Baby Mamas and numerous uninvolved bystanders to boot. After the government holds a candlelight memorial ceremony the following day, the different political factions within Dindutopia quickly choose sides in the ongoing dispute over who is really the aggrieved party in the birthday party massacre. Fighting between the factions breaks out and escalates. The Dindutopia civil war goes on for decades with neither side able to gain advantage and no end in sight. Dindutopian drug smugglers representing the different factions attempt to cross over into the White States of America (WSA) with increasing frequency to raise money for the war effort by selling drugs to white people. This drug trade proves not to be as lucrative an enterprise as in times past since large corporations now control the recreational drug market in the WSA. Also despite the fact that Dinduopian recreational drugs are still much less expensive than the store bought drugs marketed by the corporations (not mention not taxed at all). The White States drug corporations act decisively to protect their interests and lobby the WS government to close the borders and end all cross border drug smuggling from Dindutopia by any and all means necessary, including the use of nuclear weapons.
James     Jul 27, 2016

Michael Caine steps in and stops it, JB. He's like Batman's butler, yo. We would use him to cool down disputes during cabinet meetings just like Morgan Freedman gets all of those hotheaded white heroes thinking straight at the clutch moment.

Whitey is so evil he legalizes drugs and cuts a brutha out?

Oh, helllllll no!

Jeremy, you know this has to be a board game!
Jeremy Bentham     Jul 27, 2016

Ah yes, Michael Caine. Once again that is excellent James! You can also use Michael Caine as the basis for another story, a screenplay in particular. Sir Michael can be cast in the role of an otherwise ordinary and unremarkable white man who is frequently called upon to mediate interracial disputes because of his unique ability to talk sense to agitated black people. The movie would be entitled "The Negro Whisperer" of course. The storyline could take place in Baltimore and be loosely based on your own life James.

I also recommend you write a screenplay placing Dindutopia in a "Games of Thrones" type scenario. The resulting movie would be so incorrect that Liberal columnists and bloggers would use up scores of barrels of "ink", both real and electronic, denouncing the show for its violence, racism and misogyny...and all the while confessing that they themselves cannot stop watching it. You couldn't buy that kind of publicity. To gain even more attention you could have all the roles of Dindutopians played by white actors and actresses in black face. Said players would also speak their lines in exaggerated black dialects, ala Hillary Clinton ("Ah ain't no ways tarred..."). The production crew would of course need you on the set as a dialogue coach James, so you would get to mix with all sorts of hot actresses. Needless to say this foray into un-PC film-making could not help but garner all sorts of notoriety for your many other literary works. Think of the possibilities.
James     Jul 28, 2016

We, at the International Dinduological Institute have commissioned a feasibility study...
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