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On Safari in Dindustan
Three Dindu Warriors Shoot Down A Man at 12:20 on a Monday Afternoon
© 2016 James LaFond
If you really want to test your skills hunt whitey during the say, in the concrete alley behind the author’s old apartment. If you can shoot that cracker while he’s running away, you’re doing good. Of course The Sun Paper will not release the description of the shooters or the victim. But in this neighborhood, 6 of every 10 men are white, and 19 of every 20 victims of violence are white. 10 out of every 10 aggressors are black. So, while this might have been a brother running from some of his friends, it was probably a paleface. It really doesn’t matter, because once the Parkville border zone has been taken, whites and blacks will be attacked in equal numbers. It is only during the initial investment of a paleface zone that Dindus seek out pale prey almost exclusively. But once they have hunted out all of the easy game, it will be on to shooting Tyrone.
The important thing about this crime is that it occurred in a middleclass, suburb, at mid day, on a Monday. Three men, one having a gun, were following a man as he walked down the alley behind Pelham in Ashlar Hill. He noticed he was being followed, ran , and was shot down, hit in the leg.
They did not execute him, but left.
They did not rob him.
This reads like a simple case of “Let’s go see how this gun works.”
Since this is not the City, but the County, there may be an attempt to solve this case, although, with no descriptions released, that will be pretty difficult.
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