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The Excuse Whisperer
Colin Flarity on Our Great Delusion
© 2016 James LaFond
Thanks to Mescaline Franklin for this link.
MLK [Martin Luther King] is the most violent street in many cities. This first news story, of a home invasion, cannot happen in Maryland, because in Maryland, even if ISIS operatives kick in your front door and hose you down with their AKs, it is not a home invasion, but an assault, burglary or destruction of property.
Why the White DNC staffer in D C had to die—more excuses for black on white violence
On Safari in Dindustan
harm city
11:38, 7/27/16
winter of a fighting life
on the overton railroad
the combat space
the year the world took the z-pill
time & cosmos
beasts of arуas
ball of fortune
Jeremy Bentham     Jul 28, 2016

Thanks James! Once again you've provided us with useful tips on how to tell when trouble is coming our way. In this instance, as Colin Flarity observed any event that brings an increased number of blacks into your community is a "red flag" that should tell you to expect a spike in crime. In the cases cited it was the construction projects that brought a bunch of black "restitution recovery agents" into the area and allowed them to conduct intensive R&S (reconnaissance & surveillance) of possible burglary and robbery targets in the gentrified white neighborhoods, all while they innocently and unobtrusively performed their "day jobs" working for the construction companies. So when such things occur be on your guard. Stay away from urban construction sites, be on guard against home invasions and be wary of the possibility of being attacked (carjacked) in your driveway when leaving for work and returning home.
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