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‘Raciss-Ass Republicans’
The Purge Zone: Quantifying and Qualifying the Effects of the Absence of Police on a Bus Line
© 2016 James LaFond
This past Wednesday night, after the dropping of all charges in the Freddie Gray Police Lynchings by the real estate lawyer who somehow became District Attorney, and having seen County pigs operating in the City, I knew that no County Cops would be on patrol in their jurisdiction, so was free to head out to work armed.
I also decided to take the bus through all three legs of its journey to determine what was going on with the first leg. The #55 travels from Towson and through Parkville in North Baltimore County, then dips into the city for 4 miles across the Northeast, and then continues deep into eastern Baltimore County, through Fullerton-Overlea, Rosedale and Essex. I pick up the bus right after the second of the three major city stops or transfer points, 2.5 miles into the city leg of the journey. Where I used to see 25-30 patrons, I now only see 5-10 since last year’s Purge. Below is a summary.
10:00 Arriving early for the 10:16 bus I stand with a Mexican chick, an older thin white man, a heavyset young white man, and three black dudes. One of the black dudes is a poser thug, who stays away from me, is polite to the older white man and tries to throw a guilt trip on the young white guy by bringing up the presidential race. He asked the fellow, a big, bearded metrosexual, “So who you votin’ fo. Yo ain’ a Trump raciss are you?”
The kid answered, “I don’t know who to vote for. This is my first time and one is an asshole and the other one is a criminal—it’s the lesser of two evils.”
The thug strutted and pranced and posed, “Listen yo, raciss-ass republicans be evil en need ta be put in dey place, need to be shot.”
The thug then got into a car and more people showed up at the stop, most soon boarding the #19.
Then came the #55, with 35 passengers returning from work in Towson.
By the time we hit the city line there were only 12 passengers. Everybody got on at the head of the line and got off before the city, or stayed on through the city, and got off on the other side.
None of the three major transfer points in the city were in use at all, with no boarders or off-loaders.
On the third leg of the journey in the County, the only one of the four major transfer points that was used was at the hospital where private police are on patrol. All of these people were staying on for the whole ride, all major transfer points having become hunting zones. Thos who use the bus use lonely stops, like I do.
I got off at the former mass transit hub at Stemmers and Old Eastern, around the corner from a police station, where police have not patrolled for 14 months. The only people there was a homeless black couple who had taken the #40 out of downtown to avoid the criminals that have been harassing them in front of the Central District Police Station, which is so big it has a parking garage and literally crawls with cops like some statist anthill.
Walking this stretch now, I regard myself as on patrol. Stop and look around, making no attempt to conceal my belligerence, with an extension weapon always in my hand. I passed two white guys who gave me a wide berth and got to work with no hassles under the murky, starless sky.
Speaking with Oliver when we sparred on Thursday he informed me that he saw two traffic stops in North Baltimore City in which five cops converged on one and seven cops on the other, just for s simple traffic stop. It is obvious that the police are responding in force to everything as a matter of survival, what with the President sanctioning their killings. This, I believe to be the real agenda, to involve police exclusively in the drug war and race war so that the army of criminals flooding residential areas may have clear hunting.
I prefer the clear hunting scenario when I can go armed, knowing the police are nowhere in sight to protect and avenge my attackers.
I’m looking forward to adjusting to the new matrix. The liberals may think they are giving the criminals the ability to harvest more working people in this undeclared war on the American working class. But the criminals have become so dependent on police to intimidate their targets I see this media-induced anarchy as being to my advantage.
When Oliver—well aware of all of the bat attacks on whites over the past year—asked me what I carried, I told him my pocket knife as a side arm, but either the hickory T-cane or Chinese combat cane-umbrella, depending on the weather. To this, he laughed, and said, “I feel sorry for any dude who comes at you with a bat while you have that cane. Do me a favor, when they come for you, say, ‘Hey, make sure your friend videos this and uploads it to WorldStar,’ then whoop his ass! That shit would be hilarious, and I don’t want to miss it. If it happens and you let the camera man live so it gets uploaded, I’ll throw a viewing party.”
He then proceeded to outbox me with the gloves on. But still, I got a good laugh and felt young again, until I hit him—no, that was the stale air—and he wasn’t there anymore, but past my shoulder and turning me…
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Uncle Kenny     Jul 29, 2016

It's a truism (seen last on Instapundit?) that the purpose of the cops is not to protect the citizens from the criminals, but to project the criminals from the rough justice they would receive in the absence of such protection.
Jeremy Bentham     Jul 29, 2016

“I am a Republican, a black, dyed in the wool Republican, and I never intend to belong to any other party than the party of freedom and progress.” - Frederick Douglass

My how attitudes and perceptions have changed, eh?

Well like James Jatras told a Russian delegation back in the 1990's: we have two parties in America today the Evil Party (Democrats) and the Stupid Party (Republicans). “The evil party wants to bankrupt the country and destroy its morals. The stupid party is, in principle, opposed to those things but doesn’t have a clue what to do about it. And when something is really evil and stupid, we call that ‘bipartisan.’”
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