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Cold-Hearted Bitches
An Afterword to On Bitches: The Final Word on the Feminine Turd
© 2016 James LaFond
Our society—in the West—elevated the woman above the slave girl of the East and accrued numerous benefits from this. For instance, our women became such demanding creatures, that, like the Iroquois warrior, or the Zulu impi man, driven forth beyond the cozy confines of the home to strive for female approval our ancestors won many a war against lesser men who had an obedient woman at home to kiss his slippered feet and a slave man to fight for him until the going got to tough and he got gone. We even had a number of queens who waged record wars, sending murderous men to the far corners of the globe to do their shrill bidding.
I will cover this entire complex in A Dread Grace, the nonfiction focus of the coming winter. Until then, as we are who we are where we are with what women have become, we should remember that the demanding wife only deserves her place on her pedestal when she has got our back, not when plunging a knife into it. In its bid to separate the uniquely complimentary gender team of the West, our advocate-masters for a global anthill society have all but torn us away from our women. There are a few reasons why:
1. When women have to work outside the home they develop resentment toward the man, though they will not admit this. When alone, with the state raising her children, this woman resents all men.
2. When men become weak from dependence on proxy aggression—when you no longer feel it is your duty to knock Tyrone’s teeth down his throat for demanding your wallet, but believe that a uniformed officer of the state should do it for you—then you no longer illicit the yearning respect of your woman, though she will never admit this. There is a reason why fighters—even old, never-was, potbellied Santa Clause hopefuls—attract women out of all proportion to their form, social status and earnings, and it is because, on a chemical level, they yearn for a hard man. Society has seduced American men into trying to be like women to gain female approval.
3. Entitlement is the oldest of the evils that separate people into aggressor and target. In the case of violence in society, I have found, and believe I have proved in 40,000 Years from Home, that a sense of entitlement is the number one indicator of aggressive behavior. This explains current black on white mob violence and former white on black mob violence in America. It also explains the following:
Two Beating Hearts
I am old enough now to have known many strong men whose hearts have failed them. I have two older friends from the martial arts community who have faced heart problems. Both of them were too proud to give me a head’s up, just went to the hospital with the person that they had been conditioned by society to believe would take care of them in such a weakened state: their women. One was a wife the other a longtime, live-in girlfriend. These are both tough-bodied, tough-minded men, both having survived shootings, one in Vietnam the other in East Baltimore. But when the heart starts to go the will ebbs…
Mason was recovering from a heart problem related to severe dehydration. He could not relate all of the details as his wife had handled the paperwork and spoken to the doctors while he was unconscious and she took it all, on the day of his discharge. While he was waiting to be wheeled out the door on a hot August day, ten miles from home and eight miles from the karate studio, she took his records, his wallet, his phone, his bank card—which had just been infused with his monthly SSI—and the truck, and drove to Western Maryland to live with her sister. Standing alone in the heat he saw two choices, walk to the school, where I was training, or walk home. He walked into the school, took a long time getting ready, walked out onto the matt to applause and then confided in me he needed some help. My son and I bought his meals and arranged for his transport until his next check came…
Winston’s heart was racing uncontrollably and he was admitted to the hospital. Still unable to stabilize his heart, the staff did permit his girlfriend’s request to sleep in the chair in his room. As soon as the nurses were gone she began demanding his bank card, saying that she had a date with another guy and that guy was broke and she needed to eat. Suddenly aware, that this cruel bitch had merely been using him for years and that she didn’t even have enough compassion to lift his card after he expired and go spend his money, but wished to discard him as he lay ailing, he said no to the woman he had always been so giving to. She then flew into a rage and was removed by security as she ranted and raved about her needs, what she deserved, what she was entitled to.
So young men, many old men before you have made the mistake of assuming reciprocal care, and of expecting the women they love to behave with honor, and have paid terribly in their final hours. We must understand that our society has done everything in its prodigious power to turn our women against us, to convince our women that we are a mere asset that they must manage and discard in accordance with the wishes of the vast social organism that they are merely an ingestion port of. The materialistic woman whose place on her pedestal is now held up by the State, rather than her man’s earned admiration is the enemy of Mankind and of your very soul.
Test her for senses of entitlement and discard her when they are detected.
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B     Aug 1, 2016

To keep women on the straight and narrow, you need a serious community with religious values, and preferably you need to be raising kids together.
Sam J.     Aug 1, 2016

I have it in my mind that this is what happened to the Spartans. Their Women became entitled. They wouldn't have children and they just wasted away.

What needs to be done is all Women's eggs should be removed and frozen when they are young. They don't have kids guys should be able to buy them and implant them. There's a new genetic engineering technique called CRISPR. With it they can very specifically snip DNA at a specific location and remove or add DNA. It's cheap and it will make gene engineering boom like you wouldn't believe. There will huge unbelievable changes in genetic eng. due to this. For example if you added the immune system of a human to say, a cow, you could implant the embryo in the cow and have babies. Maybe it's not exactly easy but it could be done. I can't emphasize how important this CRISPR technique is going to be to biology. It's going to speed up to wharp factor all genetic engineering. I think they're setting up the first human trials now. They're going to use it on cancer patients first. Probably because they're so close to dying. Eventually they're going to us it to snip out bad sections of DNA that cause disease. Say you have genes for sickle cell anemia. They could remove all the faulty gens that cause it. You could also use it to make your kid have blue eyes, be smarter, stronger, gets fairly hairy.
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