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The Recumbent Beast
The Functional Aspects of the Goddess
© 2016 James LaFond
The Goddess is Civilization.
The God of Things is her fawning, emasculated, consort drone: materialism, globalism, communism, capitalism, fascism, liberalism, feminism—all the jism* the insatiable Goddess requires to keep going.
Civilization after civilization fell to barbarian invaders, men who came in the name of various sky gods, only to soften and rot in her cushioned embrace.
Egypt, Sumer, Canaan, Hellas, Rome, China, Indian, these various cradles of civilization all opened their decadent arms and were easily taken by invaders, who eventually became soft, squabbling greedy-eyed fruits to be plucked by the next invader, and so on. Then Civilization harnessed the masculine impulse to send her men around the world conquering spiritually intact tribes until now, where we sit at the end of time contemplating a Queen of the World who openly seeks to usher in a vaginal age. One of the numerous hopes is the Islamist insurgency around the world, which is just plain pathetic, to think that the whipping boy culture that suffered 400 years of military humiliation against assorted European adventurers is now all that stands in the way of a global ϲunt ethos, has brought prayers for the “sweet meteor of death” hurtling earthward…
Having spent most of my reading over the past few decades trying to determine why the best men always seem to lose in the end [two types of gray-suited warriors who consistently inflicted 3-1 casualties and succumbed to barely competent enemies come to mind. Yes they were outnumbered, but why are they always so cursed].
How does Hannibal win every battle but one and lose the war?
How does Nathan Bedford Forest win every battle but one and lose the war?
How do the Apaches win almost every battle for 300-plus years and succumb?
How does the American of Aryаn descent rise from slavery in a cruel sissy’s colonial plantation to become the victor in the greatest war in human history only to become—within a generation—a quibbling, domesticated creature whom refuses to take responsibility for defending his own person or that of his mate and fawningly falls to worship the athleticism and sexuality of a dysfunctional race which lost every war it ever fought against his race?
Where does such deep-seeded defeatism spring from?
I would submit that the embrace of the Goddess is terminal. I see the epic mythology of the ancients involving the heroes Enkidu, Gilgamesh, Samson, Achilles, Odysseus, Euthymus, Roland, Beowulf and Arthur as establishment-commissioned, pro-civilization texts, in which the poet inserted an anti-establishment , pro-barbarism subtext, which has touched modern poets like Tolkien and Howard, two who have updated the mostly missed message—for so it is intended.
A Crude Theory of Man’s Fall
The goddess was a metaphor for civilization as far back as many-headed, many-armed, or many-breasted supernatural beings were defined in statuary. This expression finds expression in the furies and the fates as well, varied personifications of the female gender.
Civilization, or the evil whore Goddess, is constructed of four pre-civilized aspects or pillars, contained by two post-civilized aspects and crowned by one binding aspect.
Her Four Foundational Legs
1. Domestication of animals among primitives [at least 40,000 years ago] was the first of the four pillars of civilization and contained the necessary seed for the downfall of all no-civilized societies that later expansive civilizations encountered: epidemic disease, almost all of which stems from people crowded together with domesticated animals. Civilized societies in possession of such chronic disease were in effect weaponized. Also, knowledge of animal domestication formed the basis for expanding slavery, indoctrinating children through brutality and prosecuting more comprehensive wars of extermination.
2. Slavery is an ancient institution halfway between cannibalism and adoption, used by most primal people as a method of stabilizing population decline in the wake of war.
3. Agriculture was practiced long before civilization. But combined with slavery and livestock domestication, enabled tiny elites to dominate vast populations.
4. Symbology, which is at least 35,000 years old and encompasses all art and writing methods and even monumental architecture, was the fourth pre-existing human method that was harnessed by the ruling elites to domesticate human phsychology and enslave the human being’s most potent aspect to the collective cause of advancing the elite. This is so pervasive that working class descendents of slaves such as myself identify not with our ancestors through the medium of writing, but with the perversely cruel owners of our ancestors!
Her Insidious Claws
1. Disease first serves to terrorize a population and make them subject to the literary devices of the elite. Every pagan pantheon had gods who reigned death via plague: Nergal, Apollo [ironically also the god of the arts], with dualistic, monotheistic systems of belief vesting the One God with the power of plague rather than his evil opposite. Ultimately, the extreme random suffering caused by living in close proximity to concentrations of domestic animals, eating a low-nutrient, low-protein diet and toiling in body-maiming occupations [by 30 most women had extreme arthritis due to grinding grain] opened the sufferers up to theologies and alter ideologies targeting their mind through the prism of their suffering condition. Secondly, primal peoples who did not suffer in ways comparable to civilized people, and who have proven difficult to convert to salvation-based religions, were simply done away with by the disease carried by civilized people.
2. Money is a use of symbology to represent goods just as statuary and monumental architecture are uses of symbology to represent power and of writing to convey information. This permitted the expansion of theology—intricately tied to all pre-modern ruling elites—through proxy aggression, and would eventually become the focus of ideological struggle, with great nations collapsing along with their monetary system.
Her Death-Crowned Head
1. The One Mind to Bind Us All is the product of genius, the focus of everything that Mankind has striven for over these ages of the rise and fall of civilizations great and small. Banking is the application of money to enslave. It is no accident that slavery’s final great flourish was facilitated by the great banking concerns of Europe and that with the abolition of slavery in its grossly shackled form that debt-generation, or monetized enslavement, became the mechanism by which the bonds of human servitude are rendered invisible to the dull-eyed multitude, and the dream of long dead kings, of godhood on earth, has been realized.
The end result is that the number of human beings with their hands on the reins of power has not greatly changed. Their beasts of burden have multiplied inconceivably and their masters’ reins are now unseen, but the vastly greater portion of Mankind remains as it ever has, a hunger-goaded, fear-yoked beast, its soul mercifully asleep.
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