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Dindu Hunting Season
Ishmael Inquires as to the particulars of Safari-Going in the Dindustan Bush
© 2016 Ishmael
James, if they drop the ban on shooting protected Bears, please let me know, I wish to put in for the draw, can you apply online, I have my hunter safety #, is there a shooting test? Is it legal to hunt over bait, I prefer stalk and shoot. In my advanced age, will shoot from tree stand. What caliber is legal? Do I use urban camouflage, is there such a pattern? Or is it catch and release, stun gun or hi powered paint ball. I know of the dangers, Shayne will be applying too, can we draw in hunting parties.
So many questions.
I almost forgot, bag limits, do they taste good plain, or do I need brandy mushroom sauce, most wild game tastes better depending on diet, bears that have been eating trash and spoiled varmints generally taste bad, fed a diet of baked goods and twinkles, cookies, pop tarts, are very good, they are all a little greasy, but I have been thinking of going on a paleo diet.
I must speak with the mayor first as soon as she’s done…
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Ishmael     Aug 3, 2016

I believe in leaving Bears alone, but if they go out of their way to hunt me, then I will hunt you back, matters not to me if they are blonde, red, white, black, brown, whatever phases of colour they be.
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