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‘An Economic War Criminal?’
George SOROS: The One-Man Illuminati Machine
© 2016 James LaFond
Okay, the most important thing about this double feature is that I have found the monopoly opponents that would make this winter’s blizzard game of monopoly truly noteworthy.
This makes me feel a lot better about assuming that our politicians are ruled by bankers, of course, this cankerous fellow is far from the invisible puppet master I would like to envision—dratts. He must be a front man for someone else!
On the other hand, I owe half of my readership to this old fart for funding the riots and purge of 2015. Hell, the cool, navy blue ball cap that SS Sam just sent me via airmail from Argentina I essentially owe to Mister Soros.
Honestly, if you were rich enough to pit sissy Europeans and savage Semites against each other and fat Americans versus morbidly obese Dindus would n’t you?
You know it does bother me that this Black Pigeon guy seems to have less testosterone then, then—eh, I’m not going to actually type the Queen of the Nazgul’s name...
Hillary Clinton: A TOP TEN Breakdown
After listening to this I am finally convinced that the Wicked Witch of the Left is the person most deserving of the title, Queen of the Quibbling States of Iwantmorica.
What an ugly bitch.
‘Snatched Her Punk-Ass’
video reviews
‘Chocolate Peacocks’
menthol rampage
broken dance
barbarism versus civilization
blue eyed daughter of zeus
z-pill forever
solo boxing
your trojan whorse
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