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Uncle Leroy
In Words: 12:21 P.M., 5/6/16
© 2016 James LaFond
Terrence had let the cat loose—go cat, go!
Terrence had leapt the fence into the Hairy White Man's yard and the Big White Lady on her big white porch said, "Get out of his yard."
Terrence leapt the fence into the Big White Lady's yard and she said, "Get out of my yard!"
Terence leapt the fence into the Old White Ladies' yard and the Big White Lady said, "And get out of their yard!!"
Terrence leapt the fence into the White Teacher Lady's yard and ran for his life down into the ally—cause Mamma like her some Big White Ringing-Laugh Lady—past the Mean White Man's hilltop yard, with the big-ass tire he wasn't allowed to jump on—and jumped on the big-ass tire—bouncing back into the alley in front of the White Teacher Lady's man's car, which beeped it's beepy beep—and he was darting over the Hairy White Man's fence and back into his yard!
Uncle Leroy was out in the yard chasing the cat, so Terrence got the hose and hosed the cat!
Uncle Leroy said, "Don' wet da cat, da cat not like bein' wet!"
Terrence threw the hose aside to drain in the yard, to make a big-ass puddle he could jump in—maybe even throw cats in!
Uncle Leroy was fussing with the cat, holding it out away from him between his two big hands, scared to death of that sissy little cat, a cat who knew better then to mess with Terrence!
Terrence climbed onto Uncle Jeremy's car—who were not his Uncle no more, because Mamma didn't see that nigga no more—and sat there on the hood of that broke-ass nigga's broke-ass, white, Chrysler car, and waited for his grassy lake to fill, so he could jump and splash cats and maybe one day fish for fish!
Terrence heard Uncle Leroy mumbling with his trifling, fool, bullshit and looked up to see Uncle Leroy saying, "Ged off da car. We don' sit on no car."
Terrence leapt to his feet, did the double-stomp-jump up off the hood and landed with a "splaaam!" on the roof of that broke-ass nigga's broke-ass, white, Chrysler car and said, "Who you talkin' too, muvafugga!"
Terrence danced on the hood and the Big White Lady laughed her Christmas-time laugh.
Terrence thought, "Shoot, if she thinks I'm the shit now, wait 'till my ass is grown ta eight!"
And Terrence danced...
Books by James LaFond
harm city
Looting an Urban Battlefield
dark, distant futures
advent america
within leviathan’s craw
into leviathan’s maw
menthol rampage
the sunset saga complete
crag mouth
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