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‘All the Black Hoodies’
U.S. DOJ Report Critical of Baltimore Police
© 2016 James LaFond
The followings are the DOJ findings:
1. Baltimore police too often stopped, frisked and arrested residents without legal justification, especially black residents.
2. Officer frequently used excessive force for situations that did not call for it.
3. Entrenched problems were allowed to fester because the department did not properly oversee, train or hold officers accountable.
4. Officers used unreasonable force against juveniles.
5. Black residents were more likely to be stopped and searched as pedestrians and drivers. Even though police were more likely to find illegal guns, illicit drugs and other contraband on white residents.
6. Supervisors had issues with discriminatory orders such as “arrest all the black hoodies in the neighborhood."
James’ Analysis
The DOJ investigation of the Baltimore police is part of a pattern that will be repeated. Local police are first pressured by federal agencies to fight a federal drug war. Since the drug trade in urban centers is exclusively a minority concern the drug war will soon take on the complexion of a race war. For instance in every neighborhood in certain areas of Baltimore City, every black male between the ages of twelve and forty who is on the street after dark must be participating in the drug trade or he would not be tolerated by the drug gangs. Therefore effective targeting of a gang is obviously going to follow along the lines of racial discrimination.
I believe the charges, that of whites that were arrested, a higher percentage had contraband and weapons. Most of the drug customers are white. When a white drug addict journeys to a gang run corner he will deal with two to four different individuals, only one of which will be armed, only one of which will have cash, and only one of which will have drugs in his possession and only for that brief sprint from the drug stash to the hand of the needy white dope fiend. Also, whites not involved in purchasing drugs in Dindu dominated drug markets are in danger of race based hate attacks as well as crimes of opportunity by periphery members of the drug gangs. Such men, myself included, can only survive if they are thought capable of applying lethal force to their attackers.
Federal pressure to fight the drug war will inevitably result in federal condemnation of the conduct at local levels. In the short term this means more arrests of whites, fewer arrests of Dindus and in the long term eventual federal policing.
The most ironic aspect of this is that the Dindus read the law enforcement playbook, taking such measures as employing youths in high contact situations with the police, and that local law enforcement apparently never read their own playbook.
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Jeremy Bentham     Aug 10, 2016

Fascinating! One should note that the war on drugs, and in particular the harsher penalties for dealing in crack over powder cocaine, has consistently received its staunchest support from black politicians.


“It should be understood, however, that the original, larger sentencing disparity was emphatically not due to racism in the justice system or in the legislature. The Congressional Record shows that in 1986, when the strict, federal anti-crack legislation was first being debated, the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC)—deeply concerned about the degree to which crack was decimating black communities across the United States—strongly supported the legislation and actually pressed for even harsher penalties. In fact, a few years earlier, CBC members had pushed President Reagan to create the Office of National Drug Control Policy.”

Timeline: Black America’s surprising 40-year support for the Drug War

“America’s forty-year national drug war has led to the incarceration of millions of black men, many imprisoned for decades for non-violent low-level crimes. Those laws have been described by many critics as oppressive, racist and even genocidal policies—comparable to the European Holocaust, to slavery, and to the Jim Crow segregation laws in the South. But America’s modern war on drugs was established at a time of growing African American political power. Many of the toughest crime laws were crafted based on ideas and political mobilization that came from the black community itself. President Lyndon B. Johnson meets with Martin Luther King, Jr. on August 6, 1965. (Source:Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum, Public Domain). President Lyndon B. Johnson meets with Martin Luther King, Jr. on August 6, 1965. The drug war began as black political power was growing in America, following passage of the Voting Rights Act. (Source: Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum, Public Domain). This timeline illustrates the surprising story of how many prominent black Americans—including writers, poets, civil rights activists, elected officials, clergy, and their close allies in the Democratic Party– frequently supported the drug war, despite growing misgivings and controversy.”

“Our research also found evidence of significant if sporadic opposition to the drug war within the conservative white community, which seemed to inform the larger discussion in interesting ways. That, too, is documented here.”

Nevertheless, all the blame for collateral damage caused by the War on Drugs is consistently heaped on Conservative whites and Republican Party. Although it is undoubtedly true that American whites could put an end to the War on Drugs, as well as break the power of black urban gangs, quickly and decisively if they would QUIT BUYING ILLEGAL DRUGS!

James, regarding your observation that the BPD is unable to adapt its playbook to Dindu tactics. FYI, unfortunately the metropolitan police forces (as well as the courts) here in the Midwest are equally obtuse and thus unable or unwilling to adapt to Dindu crime tactics. For example, the nearby big city is experiencing an epidemic of carjacking and car theft. The perpetrators are predominately juvenile black males. As such if and when apprehended they are invariably tried as juveniles and promptly released to offend again. This “catch and release” policy continues unless and until the Dindu juvenile offenders finally kill someone. Recently the DEA released a report describing how the city’s crack dealers have transitioned from operating out of crack houses to employing “crack cars”. The cars meet up with crack buyers who telephone in their orders. The gangs made this change in response to the metro PD’s “no pursuit” policy for “non-violent” offenses.
Sam J.     Aug 11, 2016

If the government would stop letting drugs in the country it might help the situation greatly. I know it wouldn't stop but it might raise the price such that people moved on to drugs less dangerous.

As I wrote this I thought, well maybe not, remember that guy who chewed someone's face off was smoking bath salts. You know the world is in a bad way when people do drugs that make you want to chew people's faces off. It's just awful.
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