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On Serial Killers
Steevo Bristol and James
© 2016 James LaFond
James: How much reading have up done on serial killers—it's something I'm not up on?
Steevo: The only books I own, dude. The best is The Encyclopedia of Serial Killers—like that [3-inches] thick—which my Ex fucking stole. When taxes come back I'll get a new copy and you can hold it.
James: I was thinking that these recent cop killings might be skewing the numbers and getting the brothers into the game. I've been under the impression that black guys commit more murders because of lack of impulse control but that white guys tend toward long term killing due to higher intelligence. But, there was the guy in Atlanta, the D.C. snipers and the fact that Criminal Minds has run like ten seasons and never had a serial killer that was not a white man makes me think that maybe I've been mislead.
Steevo: Fucking right, man! Jake Bird was like one of the very first American serial killers—a black dude who chopped up forty-four people with a hatchet.
James: Wow, thanks for the info.
Steevo: No problem, dude. The human being is a fucking serial killer—period. I'm sure if God wrote an encyclopedia of serial killers you'd find it to be a regular equal opportunity empowerment zone.
James: Seriously, even Eskimo serial killers?
Steevo: Fuck yeah—harpoons? Are you shitting me? Ask the seals—they probably have wanted posters of Eskimos etched in the ice!
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Sam J.     Aug 11, 2016

There's way more Black serial killers by population than White serial killers. It's just the Jews own the media and every chance they get they push negative things about Whites.
Ishmael     Aug 13, 2016

Most serial killers are born in the month of November.
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