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Taboo You Facebook Page is Back Up
Checkout the New Layout Bart Came up With for the Taboo Social Media Pariah Site
© 2016 James LaFond
I would like to thank Bart for appealing to the censors at Facebook, who had barred the spillage and spoilage of this damaged brain from their rarified virtual space. The site is also reorganized and ready to receive the teaming multitudes of social media goers who just can't seem to bring themselves to click thumbs up for this obscene piece of cracked American pottery.
Bart, I do not know how you accomplished this feat of diplomacy with the multimedia giant. As your bat-shit crazy adopted uncle, I prefer to think that you walked into the corporate headquarters of Facebook wearing your Taboo You shirt, and, after bedding the managing editor, and her secretary and her receptionist, and spurning the simpering advances of the Homo-CEO, walked out of there having righted that dastardly wrong!
Thanks, Bart.
Checkout Bart's recent handiwork at the link below.
Note, that hilariously, during 2015 and early 2016 that I clicked on this site every day and when I saw a like go up, for they were not fast coming—thank God I'm not a gladiator in ancient Rome!—within three days the like would be removed! So I managed to piss off and lose far more readers than I gained! It got to the point that when I wrote an article on race, whether pro-Dindu or anti-Dindu I was guaranteed to lose at least one like. I actually think we've been in the 70s and 80s for a year!
It is an honor!
the man cave
Eddie’s Corner
the year the world took the z-pill
z-pill forever
taboo you
broken dance
the greatest boxer
crag mouth
the first boxers
uncle satan
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