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Cottage Cheese
An Open Letter to Whiteman Sam
© 2016 James LaFond
Or The Ghetto Grocer Tries to Make Ron West’s Point on Paleface Insanity to Those Who Did Not Get It
Yes, Sam, I’ve singed you out—I don’t need Jeremy burring me with quotes of B swooping down like Joshua on Canaan with some annotated opinion I can’t refute, so I owe you a book. Send me your email address via jameslafond dot com at gmail dot com and let me know what you want an e-book of.
During our posting of Ron West’s Cosmos and Consciousness a few readers seemed to take Ron’s relation of the Native American Plains Culture view of white people as insane, and of black people being white people [i.e. insane] of a different color. The Native American question has been batted from left to right with the Left declaring them all passive, vegan saints and the Right declaring them better off dead. One may note that Ron was as critical of the Leftist academics as he was of the Rightist capitalists in regards to the misinterpretation of the native view.
I can’t speak for Ron. However, I see the points he made as not simply native American, but primal, of a way of looking at life through a prism different from our own.
Although living in an advanced urban society I have tended to live a primitive, nomadic life, often leaving my room with a backpack and not returning for days. My worldview has been one of mistrust of the modern world, the modern view. This past month I have—as I do twice per year—come face-to-face with the idiotic insanity of intelligent modern people for the 11th time in my stint as the cultured dairy clerk at Box and Save.
I have been loading and cleaning refrigeration cases of mid and low temp varieties in various designs since 1982.
I am not a refrigeration mechanic.
Therefore, nothing I say about these cases is heeded, unless I am The Man, then everything I say is heeded. I am no longer The Man, but a grunt. Of course I have assisted dozens of these mechanics and two of them trained me in diagnostics.
There is a cottage cheese section that for two feet to the left, on the top three shelves does not hold temperature on the front 8 inches of the shelves. This only occurs in January-February, when the overhead heat is cranked up, and in July-August, when the same vent spews cool air—but air 20 degrees warmer than the air that flows from the top vent of the case to the bottom.
The air flow is good at the top then disappears like a cosmic void for two feet and reappears as cold air at waist level.
I was taught by Johnny, the head of installation of Tri-State Refrigeration in 1992, that this is caused by high-mid-temp air blown by powerful ceiling units dispersing the weak air flow of the open case.
Of course, I do not have my tech license so am not permitted to know this.
The tech servicing this store is happy to make calls and say nothing is wrong and it is everyone’s imagination that the cottage cheese in this section all pops up and has to be tossed every day if it is pulled to the front of the shelf. This jives with the management protocol of always pulling product forward, even if to its ruin in order to benefit from the “eye appeal is buy appeal” mantra sacred to grocers.
I have explained this to John and Larry, both highly intelligent people who see the evidence, but will not permit themselves to act on the evidence because the HVAC gatekeeper ripping them off will not explain it to them and my heresy may not carry weight.
Okay, I have specific knowledge.
However, before I had specific knowledge of this, from 1985 to 1992, I took the same precaution I am now on pure superstition. The other clerks used to tease me about the “temp ghost.” After all the thermostat was reading in the green zone. I reasoned that was because the sensor was in the case where the air vented out just before it got whisked up to the ceiling by my poltergeist. Any Neanderthal, Homo erectus, Crow Indian or Eskimo would simply conclude that the gods did not want this space to keep things cold and move their milk curds or seal brains to some cooler space. But modern men will not act until they understand why.
To a primitive, is is good enough.
But toa modern, why must exist or is must be ignored to protect our fragile lack of knowledge from coming apparent.
Three times per week I throw out $0 of cottage cheese, for 8 weeks of the year. This effects Larry and John in the wallet, working on bonus cuts as they do. It also embarrasses them. But nevertheless they must stand and disbelieve in te absence of the why.
For the primitive—for “Jimmy L” the feral frozen food clerk of the late 1980s, it was enough that ghosts swept away the air that kept his mixed vegetables frozen, and he stocked them deeper in the case despite the verbal barbs from the civilized folks who must—in their womanly way—know the whys the wherefore’s the how-comes, in order to abide by reality.
In Keeley’s book, War Before Civilization, one is treated to numerous examples of modern soldiers failing to abide by reality, of them walking to their death in adherence to a fantasy that did not obstruct the perception of their superstitious savage foes, who did not over think the obvious fact that arrows do not go through tree trunks, but simply abided the reality far in advance of ballistic laboratories and equations that prove an arrow cannot fly through the bole of a giant poplar and kill the man behind it.
Civilization is largely the use of accumulated knowledge by elites to force lies and superstitions upon their slaves.
Cottage cheese, Whiteman Sam. Who is wider, the savage who stops putting it where it rots simply because it rots there, or the civilized man who spends a life time debating the cause as it rots?
This is the salient difference between civilization and barbarism.
Yes, I know I’m crazy—but I’m a feral savage, so that’s my redemption.
Books by James LaFond
Sparring Partners Wanted
the combat space
Dave’s Rule
into leviathan’s maw
barbarism versus civilization
time & cosmos
the lesser angels of our nature
the year the world took the z-pill
the sunset saga complete
the first boxers
Jeremy Bentham     Aug 11, 2016

“Yes, the "black" white man; I have heard of them. It is said that a "black" white man once became a Human Being (Cheyenne). They are a very strange creatures. Not as ugly as the white man true; but they are just as crazy!” – Chief Dan George as Old Lodge Skins of the Cheyenne. “Little Big Man “(1970).

“I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught.” - Winston Churchill

Speak of the devil and he shall appear…Funny story! But James, this refusal to take advice has less to do with “Western Civilization” than it is a manifestation of a learning disability colloquially referred to as being “hard-headed”. You know like dyslexia or lack of a capacity for 3D visualization. A hard-headed person has difficulty accepting advice or recognizing and accepting the reality of phenomenon that violates his or her expectations. Conversely hard-headed people are prone to dispense unsolicited advice, often outside any expertise they might actually possess on a given subject. Now hard-headedness is one of many unfortunate traits found in the white population such as pattern baldness, dental crowding, cankles, color-blindness and cross race-effect (the inability to distinguish individuals of another race, i.e. they all look alike to us). Now whites aren’t the only race afflicted with hard-headedness. Experience has taught us that Arabs, Turks, African-Americans, Native Americans, Australian Aboriginals, Mexicans, Filipinos and Vietnamese, among others, typically refuse to follow advice and prefer to go their own way even when their way consistently fails to produce the results they claim they desire. Anyway James would you call someone with a learning or a perceptual disorder crazy? Would you berate someone with blue-green color-blindness (What do you mean you can’t see the number six? It’s right in fucking front of you, you god-damned dimwit!). No of course you wouldn’t! Likewise something that might be plain as a pikestaff to us might completely befuddle someone else. Personally I have always been interested in comparative religion, in learning other peoples’ beliefs. I would think one could discuss American Indian religious philosophies without engaging in gratuitous white people bashing and/or denunciations of Christianity. But apparently we cannot. Which I perceive has gotten Whiteman Sam’s dander up. Well I don’t blame him. This theme that white people are all crazy is not even original, it has already been explored. Only white women are crazy and not even all of them and people seem to like that craziness besides. Same with the notion about “black white men”: been there, done that, saw the movie. Thought it was worth a chuckle when I first heard it. Regardless your postings have provoked thought and discussion as always James. Perhaps our young will be inspired to explore ancient Old World philosophies that also teach one to develop a peaceful mind and live in harmony with Nature, such as Stoicism and Daoism.
Sam J.     Aug 12, 2016

"...Native American question has been batted from left to right with the Left declaring them all passive, vegan saints and the Right declaring them better off dead..."

I don't believe either one. Some Indians were like Hillary some were just regular people. They didn't think of some things in the same way I would but neither does Al Qaeda.

I finally found the post and I read Ronald Thomas West answer to what I wrote. I don't want to be his enemy but that doesn't mean I have to agree with him. Let's see what he's getting at. He says,"..The planet is dying before our eyes and it is the 'White' mentality (Europe), rooted in the so-called 'Industrial Revolution' has infected the planet is the underlying cause..."

Ok so the Industrial Revolution speed up the resource usage on planet Earth. I agree.

Later he says,"...Are a few surviving tribes killing the Amazon? I don't think so. They would appear not to be so stupid as that... But consider chimps demonstrate more social intelligence than the whole of the European (read 'White') mentality on the road to killing us all off...".

Here's where I say bull shit. Amazon tribes would have a hard time destroying the rain forest because they don't control as much energy. They also die in huge numbers because they don't have the medical care that comes from cumulative advances from the Industrial Revolution(I.R.). Same for the chimps. Chimps are evil little fuckers that sneak around until they can find a lone member of a different chimp tribe and then they fall on him, tear him limb from limb and eat him. Evil little chimp bastards. The use of fossil fuels allowed for the end of slavery. It allowed a much higher population with a better standard of living. It kept the evil little chimp bastards from eating us alive.

What I understand him saying is that having little power is "Godly". Little energy use makes you the magic "good people". They're "special" unlike those evil Europeans with all their steam engines. Ring any bells. Kinda like,"Only White people can be racist". I submit that if they had the same power they would destroy the planet just as fast and maybe even faster.

Notice that as Europeans were warned that the population was getting too high they lowered and even stopped their population growth. Have the "Godly" "good people" in Africa? The Amazon? No they haven't. The problem is not the I.R. it's there are too many damn people. If we were to go back to the "supposed" loving balance with nature then a whole lot of people will have to die. Most of us. James said,"...To a primitive, is is good enough...". It's not if you want your grandson to live.

I believe not only that he's wrong but that he's anti-White. Supposedly Europeans are some big devil that unleashed the I.R. and is killing the Earth. The Chinese almost...came very close to having the I.R. start there but the STATE was too powerful and they squashed it. Too much power to the merchants. Europe had competing sources of power and the Princes were not able to destroy it before it could gain power. I'm not saying I worship the I.R. but if any other race had started it they would have been just as bad and probably worse. There's a good sci-fi book called "Pastwatch: The Redemption of Christopher Columbus" by Orson Scott Card. In it time travelers stop Columbus from discovering the New World because of the deaths of the Indians. When they go back to their time after the change they discover the Aztec's have taken over the world and it's is covered with temples where they executed people as they always have. White European civilization may not be perfect but you're going to have to do much more than call me names to convince me the so called "Godly" "good people" in the third world could have done any better. I suspect they wouldn't or couldn't have.

Sam J.     Aug 12, 2016

This business about "...The field ‘Unseen Reality’ above the parallel lines of the artificially constructed horizon occupies 90% of the page..." is complete nonsense or at least the part that only non-White people can see it. I suspect that if anyone can find,"artificially constructed horizon occupies 90% of the page", it will be White Men as we are a super curious bunch. His response is basically,"stupid White Man can't see". My response is the two different trains of thought have had a fair and unbiased test. The Ghost dance of 1890. Wiki explains,"...proper practice of the dance would reunite the living with spirits of the dead, bring the spirits of the dead to fight on their behalf, make the white colonists leave, and bring peace, prosperity, and unity to Indian peoples throughout the region...". I ask how did that work out? He says I'm too short sighted to see. Maybe he's just wrong.

Jeremy Bentham says,"...this refusal to take advice has less to do with “Western Civilization” than it is a manifestation of a learning disability colloquially referred to as being “hard-headed”. You know like dyslexia or lack of a capacity for 3D visualization. A hard-headed person has difficulty accepting advice or recognizing and accepting the reality of phenomenon that violates his or her expectations..."

I don't think this fits me at all. Being open minded is great as long as it's not so open your brain falls out. As a rebuttal to what you said I repeat,"how did the Ghost dance work out"? Where is this phenomenon? I understand that quantum physics implies non locality. I also understand that there are explanations of this behavior that do not require spooky stuff. I've douse for water successfully. Can't explain it but I have. I know about Hieronymus Machines and have read G. Harry Stines book on how to build them, I've read Joseph F. Goodavage book on science of the future, I've read about Russian experiments where virus infected bacteria pass the viruses to uncontaminated bacteria by light only, but in the end I must ask,"how did the Ghost dance work out"? I understand that there may be forces I don't understand but if they aren't strong enough to do anything with then it's becomes difficult to plan your life around them. If people are going to chastise me for being blind and stupid they need to show up with something besides words, tsk tsking about how I don't understand and hand waving.

Reading Ronald Thomas West here.

I wonder if he's confusing my criticism with some kind of approval of the psychopathic scum that run the West? The European enlightenment has nothing to do with psychopaths taking over a civilization. It could happen to anybody and any system of thought. I see no cognitive dissonance in being for a system of thought while deploring the people that run it.

I add, I can't understand why you James owe me a book. You owe me nothing. I owe you if anything.

If I come off as a little confrontational it's because I've spent a large portion of my life hearing, the White is evil, the White is evil, the White is evil, yet if you look at our behavior to others objectively and compared to all the so called "good" races, even with all our faults of which there are many, we don't come off bad at all. Furthermore after much study on the issue I have disconcerned that this, the White is evil, mantra is formulated, controlled and pushed by a heinous group of evil people called the Jews who have been kicked out of every single country they've gone to in any substantial numbers. They laugh and joke at our stupidity to care so much about what they say. Well I don't care anymore and I'm done with "unsubstantiated", half-baked White European criticism. There's no walls to keep people in like the Soviet Union they are free to go anytime they please.
James     Aug 12, 2016

Sam, you are quoting Jeremy on me! This is like breaking out kryptonite on Superman—in reference to knuckleheads no less, of which I am admittedly one—and I'm not even super.

And no, Sam, I do not confuse you with the scum running the system that owns us. It's just that Whiteman Sam has a ring to it and I'm a writer.

What I do want to point out, is that our Western science-based habit of deferring action until proof of cause is determined is fatal in terms of cultural resistance.

Take care.
Sam J.     Aug 13, 2016

I hate to be so annoying but it appears to me that not protecting, cherishing and defending Western Civilization is what got us into the mess we are in now. We allowed a bunch of hucksters who have been thrown out of every single country they have inhabited in any substantial numbers to slowly chip away at us with criticisms. Each criticism may have been perfectly valid but notice they don't have any answers. It's like the whelp that you see on a girl in a BDSM movie. Each whack with the little stick stings but doesn't put you out of action. Enough whacks though and you are soon a bloody mess and that is what has become of our country.

"...What I do want to point out, is that our Western science-based habit of deferring action until proof of cause is determined is fatal in terms of cultural resistance..."

and that's exactly what I'm doing by going on so much. One last thing. Churchill said "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried". I say Western Civilization is the worst form of civilization except all those others that have been tried.

Hopefully no one will take what I've written as nagging. I'm just stating what I believe.
Ronald Thomas West     Aug 13, 2016

Man I had the best smile in a week, Thank You JL.

Yosemite Sam writes:

"The Ghost dance of 1890. Wiki explains,"...proper practice of the dance would reunite the living with spirits of the dead, bring the spirits of the dead to fight on their behalf, make the white colonists leave, and bring peace, prosperity, and unity to Indian peoples throughout the region...". I ask how did that work out? He says I'm too short sighted to see."

Well, Sam, Bugs has got the better of you. The Ghost Dance of 1890 was based on a hybrid Whiteman-Native American religion and its charismatic (think 'speaking in tongues') leader Wovoka (a Paiute) who declared himself the American Indian Jesus Christ (sort of like a David Koresh or Reverend Jim Jones) and just got a lot of desperate and otherwise hopeless people killed.

Now, Mr Yosemite Sam, think about it. If it is there and you can't see it, that makes you blind, would it not? Or you ccan simply go on wallowing in denial ... and that's not really such a bad fate after all is said and done cause you'll never have to put up with the embarrassment of reordering your love for Jeremy; illustrated edition @

It were one Jeremy

Put a scare in thee

Stuffed wit straw

But for his maw

Menacing his posterity

Call him ‘The Headless Horseman’ of philosophers. Bentham arranged to have his skeleton padded with straw and stitched into his clothing .. where he’s since dwelled in a closet (for the past 183 years.) This is quite apropos as he was altogether unsuccessful when he’d sought to decriminalize homosexuality. Because his mummified head is too grotesque to gaze upon, it is kept locked away and does not attend those College of London council meetings where Bentham’s wax substitute for his dehydrated brains is perched on his bones and listed at roll call as ‘present but not voting.’

Like so many champions of modern democracy, for instance Barack Obama and David Cameron, Bentham espoused individual freedoms while in actual fact he’d been busy designing the precursor to our present day surveillance state:

The Panopticon is a type of institutional building designed by the English philosopher and social theorist Jeremy Bentham in the late 18th century. The concept of the design is to allow a single watchman to observe (-opticon) all (pan-) inmates of an institution without the inmates being able to tell whether or not they are being watched. Although it is physically impossible for the single watchman to observe all cells at once, the fact that the inmates cannot know when they are being watched means that all inmates must act as though they are watched at all times, effectively controlling their own behaviour constantly. The name is also a reference to Panoptes from Greek mythology; he was a giant with a hundred eyes and thus was known to be a very effective watchman

Jeremy Bentham had been the prime candidate for patron saint of the National Security Agency, that is until a debate arose; whether he’d been the inspiration for a shepherd’s sexual encounter with a body of straw stitched into a man’s clothing:
Ronald Thomas West     Aug 13, 2016

ps, Yosemite Sam, empty the jails and insane asylums of Europe, throw in Europe's religious fanatics and stir that into a stew of hybrid vigor and look at the result: The good ol U of SA and empire. Doesn't get much better than that, does it?

Yeah, all those philosophers schooled in Cartesian-Platonic philosophy were so FORWARD looking they couldn't predict the outcome of spreading their mentality ... wherever.

"The safest general characterization of the European philosophical tradition is that it consists of a series of footnotes to Plato" -Alfred North Whitehead, Process and Reality, p. 39 [Free Press, 1979];

Must be why the Whiteman's buggery has never gone out of fashion:

Note to James, the immediate preceding link might be worth posting if only to put a really creepy bug up the the European mentality's butt ..
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