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Lies Designed by Grownups to Insure that You Are in More Danger then They Were Back When Grownups were Screwing Them
© 2016 James LaFond
Though the East County Times no longer publishes a police blotter they still have a law enforcement page. This gives notice of major cases, like the two rednecks in their mid twenties who have been charged with beating one 20-year-old man nearly to death. This is a very typical danger for a man, the danger of two or three older men of your own race attacking you. The next most common danger is a group of men or youths from another ethnic group attacking you. On the same page as a flagrant example of the dangers that await school children—namely that a group of older children will gang up on them—The Little Paper Who Wouldn’t dispenses advice for staying safe from the Baltimore County Police Department.
First, the Truth:
For a student in Baltimore County, his/her top ten risks are of being attacked by:
1. A group of black youths [Your race is not important, only your proximity, as these idiots have a short attention span.]
2. An older, larger, black, same-gender individual
3. A mixed race group or pair of older same-race kids, depending on the demographics of your school
4. An individual of the same race and class who is more violent and athletic
5. An automobile driven by some douchebag adult
6. A pair of young men of any race [This group usually targets lone adults, as in the story above, and is the most dangerous type of group aggressor, often successfully attacking larger groups. Paired of individual school girls of the attractive kind will get their evil attention.]
7. Mom—abusive bitch of the year
8. Dad—who should be face fucking that bitch in the #7 slot, but is slapping you around instead.
9. A lone, adult, male stranger of any race, who suffered from #7 and #8 too much as a kid and went psycho
10. A burglar or home invader, either a lone adult or youth gang
Now, let us see how many of the 12 advice points given address each of the above risks.
Advice points with risk level in brackets
1. [9] 6 advice points are given for dealing with potential serial killers.
2. [5] 4 advisory notices are given for dealing with careless drivers while walking to and from school.
3. [10] 2 advice points are given for securing the home.
Of the 12 pieces of advice only three threats were addressed and none of the top four threats were addressed.
It is simple, Children of the Lie: your stupid parent’s evil masters want you to witlessly stumble through life as a victim of all of the bad shit they set in motion and lied to you about. This is how children are indoctrinated into accepting the vast lie this nation was raised upon and remains mired in; another lesson in Why Grownups Suck!
If God killed everyone between 14 and 75, right now, you would be better off. Unfortunately, God appears to be a grownup!
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