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Herding Palefaces
Notes on Baltimore’s Recent Sundance Festival
© 2016 James LaFond
I recently spoke to some inside sources from the Sundance Festival, a 34,000 person rave held at the Pimlico Racetrack in Northwest Baltimore, just below the rarified Hebrew enclave that sprawls northward into the suburbs in pristine splendor and just above one of the worst ghettos in Baltimore City.
Last year bike-mobile gangs of Dindu youth circled like wolves about the pale fold, kept at bay by a police helicopter.
This year these packs were not in evidence. The security presence consisted of large, uniformed, aggressive black men who busily shook down the paleface sheep by walking up to them and shouting in their face, “Twenty bucks or you’re out! You paid two grand to get here—what da fuck you gonna do?”
As far as parking, which has long been a dilemma here, local homeowners offered their front yard for parking for a cash fee and very often, when the driver returned he found his car gone, with the homeowner having never seen the driver before and not remembering a fee…
As for facility parking, 15 cars disappeared from the VIP lot!
Overall, the City that has become infamous for its drug war conduct was thrilled to have 33,990 stoned concertgoers and their 10 sober friends into town for a cash drop.
Only 49 people went to the hospital and no one died.
The opinion of seasoned travelers to such raves from other portions of the nation was that Baltimore was everything they had expected it to be!
War Drums: Forty Miles from The Big House
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Ishmael     Aug 12, 2016

We hillbillies from the east side of Summit county call it the Freakshow Film Festival in Utah!
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