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Dindu in Aisle Free
The Moral Complexion of Dindustan
© 2016 James LaFond
Readers have often asked why I remain in Harm City, a place where I am hunted continuously by State-sanctioned criminals. I have given reasons and made excuses, one of which has become an actual reason, the best reason to live in Baltimore as a writer. Baltimore is the future of America; the paradigm shift in crime and race relations that has followed the Purge and Riots of April 2015 is the pilot program for every mid-sized city in this festering nation. My morning at work, between 2:30 and 5:15 a.m., 8/13/16 is an everyday case study of the behavior which you palefaces should expect from your Dindu masters, once the Purge—a federal initiative, after all—hits your town.
2:30: Two Dindu bucks, 25-30 years of age, attempt to pay for their shrimp salad, potato chips and grape flavored beverage with an EBT card bought from some junky who gave them the wrong pin number. After entering the wrong pin number three times the card is locked out for 24 hours. The men walked out angrily into the night as the cashier smiled at me and said, “I knew it wasn’t their card, because they don’t even know how the system works, so I didn’t bother telling them that there are zero available funds on cash side and food side. A half hour later they came back in to wash off in the men’s room and left without buying anything, holding bulging pockets as they slunk past the woman at the register and the apathetic cop buying his lunch.
4:11 a.m.: A thin, muscular Dindu buck of about 20- years in uniform, with a red wife-beater and dark cargo shorts, was stuffing steaks in his pockets. A customer alerted the cashier, who called the night crew to the front door to intercept him. He ditched the steaks in a cooler and paid for a dozen eggs. On his way out, the most diplomatic young man, Jack, simply told him that he could come back and shop again if he did not attempt to take unpaid for steaks. The Dindu then became irate—not loud, aggressive, not even cussing—but whining and hurt about being singled out for being black and accused of theft.
Jack remained cool, as the acting supervisor has been having heart problems and was seated. Jack cares for this man like his own father and was doing everything he could to keep things from getting heated. The Dindu, noticing Jack was unflappable, looked to Steevo who crossed his arms and snarled. The Dindu looked away.
He then looked to me and I made hard eye contact, causing him to look away.
He then homed in on the older male employee and began accusing him of racism, buy calling him “one of those Trump people,” and then hilariously calling him “Johnny Unitas,” digging up the perennial black-white football debate in Baltimore, “Did Johnny Unitas do more for the Baltimore Colts than Ray Lewis did for the Baltimore Ravens?”
The Dindu eventually got the older man upset enough that he turned pale and then Jack gently edged him out the door blocking the view of one to another. Once outside the Dindu then began insulting the older man of 60 and voices were raised as he walked away.
Two years ago this guy would have run, or fought, or apologized and asked not to be barred—which he was—or lied until the police came and lied until the Court Commissioner threw the case out on Monday morning. But, he played the new media-juiced race card, he brought on the guilt.
I spoke to Jack about this later, mentioning to him that the five young black men that work at night will not make eye contact with me and will not greet me when I say hello, that they will not speak to any of the white men over 30, and that they seem terrified of me every time I speak to them or hold the door for them. I assured him that although some black men in my age group and older are hateful towards me for being white, that most are not, and most seem relieved when they find out I don’t dislike them for their race.
But the young black men of today all seem to hate all older white men, as if we had done something to their parents or grandparents. This was a leading question, for over the past year, and increasingly with every passing month, I have noticed the young black men on the crew—all privileged suburbanites working for party money—engaging Jack and the other young white men in debates, in which they claim that all older whites are racists and repeatedly demand that Jack and Trent apologize for being white and make up for the evil us old timers have done to their people.
Jack admitted that this was so and said,
“Look, my ancestors were poor, fucked-over, white trash that never owned anything let alone a slave. I will not apologize for being white anymore then they should apologize for being black. I tell them I’m proud of being white and they should be proud of being black, but they keep pressing the guilt. The ridiculous thing is that three of us white dudes on the crew have had our asses beat by the cops just for walking down the street and none of the black dudes on the crew has ever even been arrested—there Mamma’s boys going to college for free. I am so sick of this racial shit it blows my mind.”
Every working class white I have spoken to over the past few months in Baltimore has described how they can feel the weight of social sanction against them and it is oppressive, and more importantly, just beginning. The media indoctrination campaign in Baltimore has met with astounding success. Every single day The Baltimore Sun carries white guilt or black martyrdom article on eth front age—every day! Last year, when the city was being ripped apart, a black educator, a friend of mine who lived through the 68 riots, bemoaned the conduct of these black youth, especially after they gang-raped, tortured, sexually mutilated, burned and killed one of his students. But in our last conversation about the state of race relations in Baltimore, he was no longer troubled, no longer searching for answers, for he has found them. A friend of his, who claims to have been present at the start of the first riot at Orioles Stadium, on the Saturday before the main riot, said that “all of the white, middle-class baseball fans were saying the N-word,” which is simply unfathomable.
He further believes that the saying of this word by one white person justifies attacks on other whites—something he did not believe last year. This man is not an idiot. He reads 25 books every year, more than most college graduates read in a life time. Yet he has been brainwashed late in life to believe the opposite of what is held as common knowledge in Baltimore: that white people are less likely to say “nigger” than they are to say ϲunt in front of their mother.
While blacks in Baltimore use that word more than all words other than bitch and fuck, among whites “Nigger” is the most taboo thing you can say, and I have only herd it uttered a dozen times in four decades. To believe a thousand educated whites from suburbia used the word that they were taught was the every expression of evil, knowing that it would cause more violence from blacks, even as they were being protected by black bouncers of NFL proportions, is ridiculous. But Quinn believes this. He is a government educated, media-programmed man, so no matter how much he desires to do good for all, his efforts will always be warped to do evil for the few.
The slave masters have the old plantation up and running again and we are too blind to see it.
The riots that will flare up around the nation will be accompanied by race hunts, by purges of white rabbits by black hoodrats and at the same time the Media and State will rain down guilt upon the whimpering white rabbits even as they cower in their well-appointed burrows.
Racism is now defined in only one social acceptable context:
In Dindustan a racist is a white person who is not ashamed to have been born white and who fails to condemn his ancestors as evil.
5:05 a.m.: A drunk, 30-year-old Dindu was panhandling in front of the store, holding out his hand for change at the register lane. He was appeased by his Guilt-Slaves on the staff and among the customers. He steered clear of me after I made eye-contact. I used to bounce a half dozen guys like this off the storefront on some days when I was a manger. The will though, to impose rules on the ascendant guilt-masters of this sick society, has waned. Off he shuffled pathetically slothful, into the last hour of darkness, shoving pecan twirls in his mouth and washing the mush down with orange soda.
There I stood in the Outer Hood, a reluctant member of the society that has declared that this wretched travesty of humanity is both warrior and victim, at once the very image of media masculinity and of whining babyhood.
And I am supposed to worship him just because he was born with the complexion that is as close as possible to the opposite of my fiendish skin tone?
This sick nation can go to Hell in a burning hand basket carried by Little Coco Rioting Hood.
War Drums: Forty Miles from The Big House
Eddie’s Corner
the man cave
The Ancient Physical Standard
the fighting edge
your trojan whorse
taboo you
the greatest boxer
by the wine dark sea
ball of fortune
Riley     Aug 13, 2016


This sick nation certainly will go to hell in a napalm basket for some, but not the right ones. This government hates niցցers, no matter their hue.

They probably hate white ones most, since proportionally more of them might inherit a brain. Ergo, set the dumb ones on them with a few nifty comunoid weapons like guilt projection to break them down and piss them off. Cover pot, stirring occasionally. The troops go in and maybe there's a bit of collateral damage. Win-win and on sails the ship of state with a few less malcontents. The Nazis were pussies. This bunch has no trace of grace, never mind worth. I believe they suggest beings from the rim of somewhere else, but that's fanciful. We created these pricks our own self with our collective weakness and greed.

I cannot hate the Dindu for what he or she is, but I sure keep an eye cocked. I thinned out the problem by generally living elsewhere. All that weapons drill before going out for the paper gets old. Around here they ain't so uppity, as my ancestors used to say.
Jeremy Bentham     Aug 15, 2016

First of all James, we very much appreciate you acting as a stay behind in Harm City and providing us with intelligence in near real time.

As to whats up with all the hostility and intensified “white guilting”, the dindus have been briefed at length that bigoted old white men, like you James, are one of the major “root causes” of racism in America (Capitalism being the other). As such bigoted old white men “have to die” in order for America to be cleansed of racism. The Pope-rah herself has decreed this to be so: “Oprah: old racists ‘have to die’ to achieve racial progress”

“As long as people can be judged by the color of their skin, the problem is not solved,” she said, adding, “There are still generations of people, older people, who were born and bred and marinated in it – in that prejudice and racism – and they just have to die.”

Donald Trump is, of course, leading the bigoted old white men. Nobody, but nobody, ever called Donald Trump a racist before he announced his candidacy, but all of a sudden he is one.

Also the future Queen of America has just told us white folks we better quietly accept our punishment, or else!

Clinton and Kaine Are Challenging Whites on Racial Issues

"We white Americans need to do a better job of listening when African Americans talk about the seen and unseen barriers you face every day," Clinton said last month at the NAACP's annual convention. She added, "We need to recognize our privilege and practice humility rather than assume that our experiences are everyone's experiences. We all need to try as best we can to walk in one another's shoes, to imagine what it would be like to sit our son or daughter down and have the talk about how carefully they need to act around police because the slightest wrong move could get them hurt or even killed."

In the short term the Democrats are endeavoring to get the black community all riled up with scare stories of white racists plotting to murder blacks so blacks will vote for Hillary in the same numbers they voted for Obama. The Dems are convinced this needs to happen for Hillary to win. In the long term be prepared to make regular restitution payments starting next year (credit cards and PayPal accepted). This will be in addition to the impromptu and extra-legal restitution recovery operations being conducted throughout Dindustan of course.

“Vote Democrat: we hate the people you hate and we’ll punish them for you!”
Mesc Franklin     Aug 15, 2016

'In Dindustan a racist is a white person who is not ashamed to have been born white and who fails to condemn his ancestors as evil."

Nutshell moment.

Remember, A Bitch Ass Nazi=Someone who will not allow themselves to be be robbed, beaten, or killed.

Hail Not Getting Jumped!
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