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‘Imminent Cultural Enrichment’
Milwaukee, Wisconsin Police Shooting and Riots: True News and Stefan Speaks with Colin Flaherty about—Yo, Dat Shit is Raciss
© 2016 James LaFond
Bricking Poleese in Milwaukee!
Stefan does a very nice job of setting the tone for a rational understanding of African American dysfunction. Hellscape is a good term for this type of environment. The studies he cites of family structures between 1818 and 1960 are keenly instructive.
Personally I think that every black person in America should attack every white person they see. Eventually they will find the answer to the great question of our age: is the white race willing to survive or will its soft, quivering, sniveling, cowardly, crawling, ox-eyed multitudes lay down, roll over and bare their throats to the muddy knife of the mob.
Dindustan is rising, cracker.
Get used to it.
Why Black Crime Matters | Colin Flaherty and Stefan Molyneux
I absolutely disagree with Colin that violence is unacceptable and unsustainable. I love the 90% unreported shooting in Oakland. The greatest service Colin is doing is reporting the violence in small towns. Anti-denial news work is something that has been a long time coming and I hope he can sustain it. It’s also great that he hangs out with cops, because I think he’ll need them. The musician he spoke about was murdered three hundred yards from where my cousin was raped, raped on a city street, under a street light!
At 22:20 Colin brings up “community” and makes a case that Stefan should have pursued, but they had a lot of ground to cover here.
Koreans with Knives
video reviews
‘A Post Office Box in Maryland’
logic of steel
your trojan whorse
the fighting edge
logic of force
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Jeremy Bentham     Aug 15, 2016

Sheriff David Clarke nails it.

SHERIFF DAVID CLARKE: "Saturday night, the social order totally collapsed in a part of the city of Milwaukee. And when that happens, tribal behavior takes over, and tribal behavior leads to the law of the jungle replacing the rule of law. Here's what causes riots: We have inescapable poverty in the city of Milwaukee. Milwaukee's like the sixth poorest city in America. You have massive black unemployment. I think it's at 32%. You have a failing K-12 public education system. It's one of the worst in the nation. You have questionable lifestyle choices. Some of this is self-inflicted. All these kids with no fathers around, father-absent homes. When fathers aren't around to shape the behavior of young men, they oftentimes grow up to be unmanageable misfits. Those are the ingredients; Milwaukee has all of them."

"There are millions of young men across the country who are in that same situation. You know what encourages this? The growth of the welfare state. These are underclass behaviors. Seventy percent of the kids born in Milwaukee, at least for the last decade or so, are born without an engaged father in their life. So I look at the progressive policies that have marginalized black dads. They pushed them to the side and said, "You're not needed. Uncle Sam is going to be the dad. He's gonna provide for the kids. He's going to feed the kids," and so on and so forth. But Uncle Sam has been a horrible father. Uncle Sam does not love these kids. It might keep a little food in their mouth and that's about it. But we all know the importance of an intact family, what it can do to shape the behavior of kids. When you have the situation here like we have here in Milwaukee... It's in Chicago, it's in Baltimore, it's in New York and some other areas."
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