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No Sympathy for the White Devil
Shayne’s First Aid Instructions In Case James Goes Down from Altitude Sickness
© 2016 Shayne the Brain
I think Ishmael and Shayne are betting on whether or not the eye pops out. Fortunately I have a history of seizures—nobody knows why, probably the main white devil channeling more evil into me—so I’m pretty good on knowing when I’m going to hit the deck. So, hopefully I’ll hit that point, know it, and say “uncle” to the oxygen before giving Ishmael any extra work.
Over the years I've made a lot of recommendations, sometimes do, sometimes leave it alone. Based upon a lot of factors, training assessments, facts, experience levels, performance, odds etc. I was usually spot on. So.... It's your brain and body. Prove me wrong that you don't hit the deck, or plant your head on a rock as you go down, or make Ishmael haul you to the ER, then I'll buy you a shot of Pendelton whiskey...maybe two if your nice.
I appreciate your can do attitude, but it might be worthwhile just to admire Baldy from 10500 feet looking up from the pass. Remember, Ishmael and I grew up in that country and we've both been hard pressed not to puke a few times, let alone keep our legs under us.
I won't be there for the climb, but have instructed Ishmael in Ranger 1st aid measures i.e. Piss on you to cool you down, tie a torniqet around your throat to keep you quiet, then leave your ass and go get help.
Good luck superman. Hope your eye doesn't pop out from the pressure.
See you in WYO (hopefully in one piece)!!
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