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Hardcore, Gun-Loving Vegans?
Mescaline Franklin Sources Death Metal Lyrics for Signs of Early Cultural Resistance to the PC Matrix
© 2016 James LaFond
I know this is too hardcore/death metal for most. But the lyrics are chilling. These guys actually followed vegan ethics to anti-abortion and pro-gun stances, which shows unusual philosophical consistency.
Look at the comments and see people noticing the same thing. One of my favorite bands: anti abortion straightedge vegans who love guns and vigilantism.
Maybe add this to the post so people can just read it, I doubt most will listen to the actual song, also you can only see the lyrics Youtube. This will I think connect to the reader more than the screaming and chugging guitar.
The end begins around us. The signs are too clear to deny.
As a new millennium begins once faint hoof beats
become clearer. An impassable void's creation between overlords
and consumer drones rushes towards its completion.
The constitution's ablaze. Freakishness becomes normalcy,
the inverse of morality. Abominations praised and met with open arms.
Rome and Babylon's rise nears its final stage.
Conform, accept in silence or die in the mob's rage.
Hostility generated from
above. Victims pitted against each other.
Attention's diverted away from the actual antagonists.
Afflict with sickness to
enforce their cure, synthetic peace carved out of madness.
Is the stage set for the demonic tyrant's rise? More and more
technology seems geared to divide, monitor and terrorize.
Personal freedoms surrendered. The means for self-defense given
away. Martial law in a new empire. Caesar takes his throne.
Contain, control, to dominate. Contain, control, exterminate.
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