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'Were Egyptians Black?'
A Man Question from Betty
© 2016 James LaFond
"Since you are such a wealth of information on all of the things we were never taught in school, let me ask you, were the ancient Egyptians black? My black coworkers all seem to thing that all Egyptians were black."
Well, Mom, if the ancient Egyptians were black, then modern blacks might want to consider their identification with Arabs as fellow, oppressed, colored people, since Arabs make up the majority of Egyptians and the few black Coptic Christians left are being driven to New York by the Sons of Mohamed.
Most of North Africa has been mostly non-black for virtually all of history and pre-history.
In Egypt, specifically, there was a black dynasty that conquered Egypt from the Sudan and were soon driven from power.
African and black do not mean the same thing. There are two non-black races native to Africa.
A brief history of blacks in Egypt is sketched below.
According to Black Muslim prophet W.D. Fard, prehistoric Egypt was ruled by the Scientists of Egypt, spacefaring geniuses who wished more time to discover the secrets of the Universe. Toward this end their best scientist, "Big Headed" Yakub, bred the Whiteman in the caves of Patmos as the ideal worker slave. These slaves then transmogrified into White devils and began slaughtering the black scientists. [This actually happened in Carolina from 1704-45, where black militia men fought escaped white salves in five uprisings, and may have served as the basis for Fard's fanciful cosmology, that might have been gleaned in part from old slave stories transplanted from the Carolina foothills by a black prophetess.] Yakub then took the keys to the Mothership [Pictured on the cover of the parliament Funkadelics' live album, from 1976, I think] and skipped town for Sol Food Centuri, 14 light years away. The refugees from Egypt were pushed down into the tropics by the white devils and the rest is White History.
In traditional white history we reed that the ancient white Egyptians [from whom street artists have carried the art of painting with spray cans down through the ages in their genome] used black Sudanese as police! Yes, they hired brothers to beat down citizens, collect taxes, and torture and impale and otherwise execute anyone who gave the pharaoh any shit.
In Arab times, since about 1300 years ago to about 100 years ago, black men were eagerly sought as slaves. They had their penis and testicles cut off, which killed 9 out of ten, so that they could be used to guard all of the black slave girls that were bought in Cairo without wrecking the wares for the under-endowed owner.
In one trip to Cairo, one black Nigerian sultan once sold 14,000 black girls into slavery. These were eagerly sought after as sex slaves. However, their babies were not legally permitted to live in most Arab nations and were traditionally drowned in a bucket by the midwife immediately after birth.
Perhaps this cruel treatment by black and ancient Hebrews at the hands of white Egyptians explains why the descendants of those two groups have often made common cause in America.
America in Chains
No Sympathy for the White Devil
the man cave
barbarism versus civilization
the gods of boxing
solo boxing
shrouds of aryаs
search for an american spartacus
your trojan whorse
'in these goings down'
Ishmael     Aug 17, 2016

James, you just made my day, that was great! Did that come from the 4 dimension of crazy we talked yesterday?
B     Aug 17, 2016

What's the source for them drowning babies in a bucket?

I had the impression that black females were used for domestic labor, and the prized sex slaves were from other races.

Have you seen purebred Subsaharan blacks? Not a lot of beautiful women.
James     Aug 17, 2016

I believe the bucket drowning was from Hugh Thomas' The Slave Trade.

Yes, I am sure you're right about the domestic work, which was what many were intended for in the U.S. market, but based on the rate that blacks slaves were impregnated by white masters in the U.S. I'm guessing they were dual use, "face the wall, ugly girl," household fixtures.

Of course the prized sex slaves were white boys and Slavic women, from which we get our term slave.
B     Aug 17, 2016

I'm putting The Slave Trade on my Amazon wish list.

Would really like a firm source.

I've seen black villages in Iraq, and I understand there are black oases all over the Arabian peninsula. If you find yourself in one, leave before it gets dark and the malarial mosquitoes come-nothing but blacks survived there.

Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia is the son of a black slavegirl. He is a big shot (though the very highest level is closed off to him.)
deuce     Aug 18, 2016

James linked to A Super Egyptian's youtube channel a few weeks back. ASE is a Coptic (white) Egyptian and proud of it. He has about 60 videos on his channel where he nut-kicks and bitch-slaps Afrocentric nonsense of all kinds. Afrocentrists are miseducated morons and pathetic liars. "We wuz kangz!"
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