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‘Vlarorization of the Pimp’
Soros or Cyrus? The Violent Legacy of the Black/Jewish Alliance by E. Michael Jones
© 2016 James LaFond
Reading from a printout from Culture Wars, mailed by a reader, pages 12-29, December 2015
Interestingly enough, this well-researched and artfully constructed report was written by a Catholic scholar who I was first referred to by an Isrаeli reader.
Jones marshals an impressive gallery of viewpoints to paint the picture of the African American Jewish-assisted suicide that was and is Southside Chicago:
-A black social worker who began her adult life among militant revolutionaries, became disenchanted with the pimp ethos, and later adopted orphans scheduled for abortion
-A stripper, hooker, drug-lord girlfriend who became a serial killer to avenge herself on the world of men who raped her from childhood, and who interestingly was tolerant of life among the drug gangsters that raped and beat her because they treated her better than her mothers’ boyfriends!
-A black man who first worked as a Time-Life photographer and CIA operative to infiltrate the militant black power movement and later became the filmmaker that brought us Shaft and Superfly, but not Shaft Among the Jews, the novel that did not make it to the big screen
-A group of modern Iranians supposedly studying race relations in America but not interested in the author’s conclusions
-Various scumbag black politicians like King and their even sleazier Jewish backers, who eventually turned on their black attack dogs and conspired with Hollywood to degrade the image of black manhood to the point where emasculation-brutality would reach such toxic levels in black America that African American culture would implode, with seemingly no notion that this toxic culture rot would infect the entire nation
-Historian, Murray Friedman, who serves as the secondary “compass” source for much of the legal and political history
-A 2015 conference on race that dissolved into pure unified hatred toward white America as a monolithic culture of oppression
Jones begins with the 2015 racial unrest in America and works his way back and then forward in the style of the newspaper narrative but without the obfuscation. The single most interesting aspect of this article is the revelation of when the Black/Jewish alliance split. After coaching Martin Luther King and others on how to destroy the White grip on the Southern United States, King’s Jewish advisers and financial backers were hesitant to bring terrorism to Northern cities and were also not confident that the diverse ethnic whites of the North would be so easily defeated as the more homogenous protestant whites of the South. Right off the bat, two years before the race warrior was murdered, Martin Luther King was injured by members of a white ethic minority who did not take kindly to him telling them that they had to pick up and move so that blacks could come in and take over. He also failed to realize that northern black businessmen were running vast scams on their own people and would resist any meaningful urban renewal efforts or reverse engineer them.
Pissed that their black dog did not back down when called to heel, the rich Jewish backers then recruited a black photographer that had previous infiltrated black power groups for the CIA and paid him to craft an image of a black masculine hero to fill in the void caused by the white elite war on the black family. This doggedly sensible and dangerously logical paper traces the downfall of the black man, the plight of his women and children and the transmogrification of the resulting non-culture into a social virus with a conscious drive to kill the host society. Rather than suggesting the destruction of American society as a desired end, the author points to the secular Hebrew conspirators as having weaponized the most vulnerable portion of American society to bring about a communist America, only to cast their potent psychological warfare experiment aside as punishment for trying to assert its own humanity, in a very Frankenstein way, but instead of being discarded in a waste without the means of self-replication, their monster was cast adrift in the most fertile ground for its corruption to bloom—the American ghetto. The recent study I have done of aggression and residential patterns in Baltimore City makes a lot more sense to me after reading this history.
I highly recommend this paper, available on Jones’ Culture Wars site from December 2015, as events since its posting have continued to heap validation on his findings, including the Isrаeli military influence on American policing. This is an excellent case study on how militant social alliances may serve to simultaneously bring down the civilization they aim to topple and also turn the culture of the aggressor groups into a spiritual sickness typified by a cultural suicide drive.
Books by James LaFond
Murder Capital?
site reviews
Eating Face on Kokomo Lane
barbarism versus civilization
the greatest lie ever sold
on combat
crag mouth
ball of fortune
orphan nation
when you're food
let the world fend for itself
Nero The Pict     Aug 17, 2016

Most interesting. I do remember the Reginald F. Lewis Museum of Black History in Baltimore featuring an exhibit on Jewish and Black cooaperation regarding education and civil rights initiatives post WW2 a couple years back....
Sam J.     Aug 19, 2016

I know it's considered weird to think the Jews are malevolent but if you look at any societal negative trend you will in a very large amount of them find a Jew providing support in the background. Sometimes they are at the front but most of the time they are in the background providing intelligence, funding, legal representation and protection from authorities.

The Jews are a tribe of psychopaths. Not all, maybe not even the majority, but a large number. All of the Jews ancient writings are nothing more than a manual for psychopaths to live by. The Talmud is nothing but one psychopathic thought after another. The Talmud “great enlightenment” basically says that everyone not Jewish is there to serve Jews. All their property is really the Jews. No one is really human unless they're Jews and their lives don’t matter. A psychopathic religion for a psychopathic people.

They've been thrown out of every single country that they've been to in any numbers. Psychopaths having no empathy themselves can only go by the feedback they get from the people they are exploiting. So they push and push to see what they can get away with. The normal people build up resentment towards them. Thinking “surely they will reform or repent” like a normal person who does wrong. Of course the Jews do not. They don’t have the mental process for reform. Then in a huge mass outpouring of hate for the Jews, fed up with the refusal to reform their behavior, they attack and/or deport them. In this stage of the cycle the Big/Rich Jews escape and the little Jews are attacked.

Start over.

Even if I'm wrong if you assume the Jews are a tribe of psychopaths you will never be surprised and Jew's behavior will make sense.

In order to predict Jews behavior read the great book on Psychopaths by Hervey Cleckley, "The Mask of Sanity". Here's a chapter all should read. It's about Stanley. Who does all kinds of manic bullshit and spends all his time feeding people the most outrageous lies. Maybe it will remind you of a certain tribe. New meme. "They're pulling a Stanley". The whole book is on the web and worth reading.
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