Can you spell validation?
Well, I can’t without this computer, so don’t feel bad. Suffice it to say that I feel empowered over my prediction for a Florida cannibal apocalypse. Maybe we could sink it? Oh, that’s right, the conservatives are working on that already.
Okay, this stuff they suspect this guy of being on cannot be bought at Bed, Bath and Beyond and is much better than crystal meth!
Good times are here—well, not yet. Hopefully some of our local gang bangers will get a source for this khat derivative so I can report on some local face eating.
One can only hope.
I don't know that we may have to go back to the old days and put a multi bay hanging platform in the park and hang them every Saturday publicly.
Here's what we used to do in the past. From 1882-1968, 4,743 lynchings occurred in the United States. Of these people that were lynched 3,446 were black. 40 per year.
In just Chicago there was 506 murders in 2012. There were 2,289 murders in Chicago between 2007 and 2011, 4 years with 572 murders per year.
So if we went back to lynching we could lower the number of Black lives lost by 532 per year in just Chicago. It would actually be much more.
We're always told we need to confiscate guns but really we just need to take away guns from Niցցers. I didn't say Blacks I said Niցցers. Unfortunately the amount of Niցցers has become so high it's risky to get near any Negros thinking they are Blacks because they are likely to be Niցցers and an instant danger to your well being. Myself I stay away from all of them whenever I can.
We need to house them in housing projects where we can inspect them for weapons and administer birth control shots to all residents every 3 months and eventually the problem will take care of itself. I think before the great society Blacks that were successful in having children were gradually becoming less savage. Now it's going the other way and they are reverting to the Congo and Liberia where General Buck Naked runs things. You have heard of General Buck Naked, right?