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‘The Dog Bites the Master’s Hand’
By Valerie Richardson - The Washington Times - Monday, August 15, 2016
© 2016 James LaFond
“Hi James,
“As per Mike Jones”
Sam, I have never met a black who did not hate Jews [other than Oliver] and all of the right wing religious Jews [okay, only five] I’ve spoken to hate blacks. How the liberal American Jews over look this is a mystery. I have a right wing Jewish friend who had a liberal Jewish friend who decided to go feed the Third World poor and ended up hung with piano wire for her help. She actually lived and is—last I heard—going to Isrаel to agitate for the oppressed there?
The suicide impulse on the Left seems to be shared by many fair-skinned Americans. It does make life interesting.
I’m wondering how long it will be before BLM members begins serving as police auxiliaries.
Books by James LaFond
site reviews
‘The Dishonor of Submission to a Female Ruler’
night city
on the overton railroad
the year the world took the z-pill
into leviathan’s maw
masculine axis
logic of force
fiction anthology one
book of nightmares
B     Aug 19, 2016

There's no mystery at all.

The thing about the progressive system is that it was built by Fabian socialists on the theory that you use education in order to identify those with higher abilities and move them up, so that they don't stay on the bottom and plan a revolution.

You get constantly selected and rewarded for being smarter and good at conforming ideologically. This happens at every stage-10% of every elementary school get put in the smart classes, 10% of the smart classes go to an elite public middle/high school, 1% of those go to a really elite one, 20% of that school's students go to Ivy League colleges, 30% of those college students end up in elite jobs at law firms, newspapers, financial institutions, the courts, etc. Of those, 1-10% rise to the top.

Talent and intelligence is rewarded in proportion to the owner's dedication to the system's values, and the rewards follow a Pareto distribution-20% reap 80% of the rewards, of that 20% a further 20% reap 80% of the 80% and so on up. This is normal and natural (we see Pareto everywhere,) and is really good engineering, in that the more potentially dangerous someone is, due to talent, the more he is rewarded for playing the game.

Being about a standard deviation higher in IQ than the white American average, American Jews got pulled up this chain disproportionately. When you have two overlapping normal distributions, the further you go to one end, the more disproportionately one of them is represented. There are a lot of whites and blacks of more or less normal intelligence, but there are a lot fewer really smart blacks, and a lot fewer really dumb whites. There are a lot of Jews and whites of more or less normal intelligence, but there are a lot fewer really smart/genius whites (in proportion to total numbers.)

So in short, the liberal American Jews that cause problems are acting as conversos/sellouts to a system which has fundamentally un-Jewish values (probably you could accurately describe its values as post-Puritan, or Unitarian, or Universalist-hence the term "globalist.")

Their prominence is due to raw intelligence, not to any special Jewish dedication to those values.

I suspect that if you measured adherence to progressive values normalized for intelligence, Jews would measure lower than whites of equivalent brainpower, if for no other reason than that many Jews are religious. Judaism requires the holding of many values inimical to Universalism-for instance, we all pray multiple times a day for a theocratic monarchy to be established, we explicitly hold it true that all men were not created equal and that men are not equivalent to women in all the ways that matter, etc. There is no white equivalent to this ideology in existence today.

The reason that liberal Western Jews are willing to sell out their brothers, the religious Western Jews and Isrаeli Jews of all religious flavors, is the same reason progressive Whites are willing to sell blue collar whites down the river. Once you've sold your soul and embraced lies in exchange for material rewards, over and over again, you eventually have no identity left other than that which the system has issued you. Admitting you were wrong involves being left without an identity, and losing the material rewards. It's like the reason a female social worker/prosecutor who spent her fertile years slutting around and working on her career would desperately hate religious women who spent those years raising a family. What's the alternative, saying "I am an idiot who wasted her life and now has nothing to look forward to but old age with cats"?
Jeremy Bentham     Aug 19, 2016

What can you do against the lunatic who is more intelligent than yourself, who gives your arguments a fair hearing and then simply persists in his lunacy?” -George Orwell

“The Left sides "...invariably with evil over good, wrong over right, and the behaviors that lead to failure over those that lead to success." - Even Sayet, Screen Writer

“The Democratic Party is a strange amalgam of elites, would-be elites and minorities. No wonder their policies are so confused and irrational” – John J. Ray, Brisbane, Australia

Spot on analysis B. It IS an insane dichotomy that over 80% of American Jews identify as Liberals and yet the American Left is virulently anti-semantic and anti-Israel, isn’t it? It reminds me of the post 9-11 epiphany that Even Sayet had. Sayet was a liberal secular Jew from NYC who, by his own admission, heretofore had not questioned his Liberal beliefs. Being immersed from birth in it as he had been, he believed Liberalism was simply the default set of values adopted by all reasonable and educated people. After 9-11 the Leftist mask of compassion slipped and Sayet got a good look at the hate underneath.

Understanding How Modern Liberals Think by Evan Sayet (47 min.)

The Kindergarten of Eden by Evan Sayet (51 min.)

As you say B the best and brightest of these were selected for further indoctrination and training. Like sending your best rifle shooters to sniper school. What is also interesting to me is that Liberal American Jews so often describe Isrаelis as being “abrasive”. By that I must guess they mean that Isrаelis don’t suffer fools gladly and push back against the Liberal American Jews gullibility in accepting Leftist assertions and allegations with regards to the State of Isrаel.
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