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Whitey in My Sights
Heading to Work in Outer Dindustan
© 2016 James LaFond
Jack was walking north from the last bus stop on the line at 3:45, Saturday morning, having taken the first #35 bus out of Rosedale to White Marsh. It was still dark, the lights of the last sleepy strip mall behind him. Jack was in the outer suburbs of Baltimore County, trees boarding the road, far from the Dindu hordes that plagued his every trip to the bus stop down in Rosedale. At the light where Joppa road meets Honeygo Boulevard, he found himself looking into a laser sight as a Reparations Recovery Agent said, “Give it up, yo.”
Jack dropped his book bag on the sidewalk and stepped back as the agent stepped forward and took the bag. Then, when the agent turned in profile and darted for a car waiting at the stop light—which was green—hello—Jack could see that he was only armed with laser pointer, not a gun.
Jack broke out his phone as the agents sped off, called the police and filled out a report. Upon reading the report he was shocked to discover, that although he had given a full description of the robber, that the add the police posted in the paper described him as an unknown suspect” giving him little hope that the suddenly genderless, raceless, ageless and otherwise indistinct “suspect” would be caught.
Dindus hunt at night, in cars, far from their hive. It is incumbent upon the survival-minded paleface pedestrian to pay close attention to cars and occupants, not simply ignoring the vehicular presence as most pedestrians do when not crossing the street.
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Jeremy Bentham     Aug 21, 2016

Perhaps Baltimore county should pass an ordnance requiring that the interior lights in automobiles should be turned on during hours of darkness, as is the law in Turkey. I understand though... such a measure would imply there is a crime and terrorism problem in Harm it gets a no-go at this station.
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