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Our Dark Lord
Why the Current American Autarch is among the most Effective of his Kind
© 2016 James LaFond
Oliver and I were sitting in his car, using the rain as an excuse to talk about something that was bothering him. His closest friend’s cousin, a nice girl who did not live in the Baltimore area [who had ‘made it out’] and who Oliver had been “enamored of” as a boy, was raped and killed in Harford County, by a homeless man with a knife, on the lawn of a family house, a family who saw what was happening and did nothing.
It occurred to me then, that knowing young black folks is a lot like being close to old white folks—they are regularly talking about a friend or relation that just passed away. With Oliver being tied to both demographics through his birth and boxing activity I see a sorrow-filled life ahead for him.
“James, I know now, that it would be stupid to go out against a man with a knife and that I’d grab a chair or something—I mean I’m not as foolhardy as I used to be. But I could not watch that and do nothing. This girl was stabbed twenty-four times and raped. This took some time and these people were aware of it—a house full of people. How does that happen?”
I went two different directions with this and will try and write it as closely to how I spoke it as possible.
You and I are both contemplative types who decided early on to program ourselves combatively, which is to say to undermine our social conditioning. We have been fighting and training to fight and addressing the moral need for these skills and activities in our mind, literally, since we could think straight. In that way we trumped our social conditioning—inserted an activity template that was not supposed to be present within us. This has ironically—this knucklehead behavior—lead to both of us writing, for the simple fact that conditioning ourselves along combative lines has placed us outside the main brain feed and has forced an alternative perspective upon us.
Through our training and consequent combat experience we know that we don’t even have to “win,” don’t have to beat the knife-armed rapist to save someone—we just have to act like a referee, which is how most people are rescued during attacks. When my cousin was getting raped at knife point she was rescued by a voice, the voice of a man who was driven to intercede—and guess what, he was outside the main feed also. He was a criminal. I tracked him as far as I could get—her mother wanted me to thank him for her—speaking to people at the bar he came out of, but no one would let me get close. He disappeared before the cops got to her.
Oliver was disturbed, thumbed his hand at a house and said, “But what about them? How come most people will just stand by and watch, upload it onto Worldstar? I can’t even get people to speak with me when I ask for directions. I know if I’m broken down on the side of the road no one will pull over. The world’s gone cold—worse all the time. How come ‘they’ will do nothing—hell, how come most people won’t even defend themselves—that’s something I totally can’t wrap my head around.”
We have our conditioning and they have theirs. The only thing that the typical American is highly conditioned to do is, what these people on this block are all doing now, is spectating, watching, standing by as others act. Think about it—if we train two hours a day to do what we do, they train eight to do nothing, are heavily conditioned to sit by while watching really disturbing stuff. The very structure of our society takes the masculine—hunter/warrior—impulse to observe and evaluate as an action cue and undermines that visual orientation to shackle the mind and body to a passive life. Likewise, the female instinct to chatter and exchange information in an inward pattern, in order to collectively expand an understanding of the available vegetation around the nesting area or along the migratory path, has been hijacked [as political correctness] to stifle dissent among most and discourage action among the few so inclined.
I once spent ten hours interviewing a woman about a four-hour attack, most of which took place in a house occupied by an entire family who declined to even call the police, yet apologized for their inaction later.
So, once your nation of apes are conditioned as spectators and supporters of the actions of the elite, no matter how nefarious—indeed, soap operas and other TV dramas, such as Game of Thrones, are engineered to condition the electorate to tolerate political corruption—then all you need to do is manage your cohesion. If you—as the ruling elite—have access to an expanding resource pool, then you weave lies to achieve social cohesion, using the tribal impulse to build an extra-tribal lie that will achieve your aims. However, if your resource pool is stagnant or tapped out, then you need divisive leadership.
[Oliver seemed to want a big picture tie-in, so I went crackpot on him.]
This is the genius of our current ruler, who is so undervalued. Timing is everything and he makes the presidents before him, back to LBJ—look like fools. He’s basically overseeing the final act in the slaying of Masculine America that began the year after I was born. This one man’s words have been the point of the spear that shattered the cohesion building lies of thirty-plus presidents and have replaced it with a cruder one. You might say he marks the replacement of the Greater Angels of our nature with the Lesser Angels. I might deride the president as a hood ornament, but if he has the right oratorical skill set and the proper timing, one well-placed leader may facilitate the moral fragmentation of a society.
Our Dark Lord might have used his mixed race status to unite and thus become a parody of better men. But he took the high road that divides the lower orders into their squabbling components in service to a greater, grinding good.
America in Chains
When Your Fight Falls Through
the man cave
Cuffing Wolves
night city
song of the secret gardener
the first boxers
book of nightmares
time & cosmos
graphomaniac archive #1
america the brutal
Ishmael     Aug 22, 2016

James, tell Oliver to hang in their, I was lucky, born into a backwater of Amurica, in a urban enviroment, they would have me in chains already!
Jeremy Bentham     Aug 22, 2016

Spot on analysis James. Yes, many of the white people I know who voted for Barack Obama in 2008 believed that electing him President would absolve America from all past guilt or blame for black slavery. But that didn’t’ happen, did it? Nooooo! Well President Obama is a Marxist, a faculty lounge Leftist radical. As such he hates America and everything about it. He doesn’t think it should be forgiven for ANY wrong, real or imagined. He believes the whole rotten structure of America should be burned down to the ground so a new country can be built over the top of it. Some of his constituency clearly didn’t think that’s what they were voting for. SURPRISE! In terms of enacting his own agenda it can be argued that President Obama is perhaps the most successful chief executive in American history. The operation was a success, but the patient died.

Thanks to the surplus in resources our civilization is able to produce AND to the tireless efforts of our Leftist elite to transform our society, much of our populace is being effectively ”rabbitized”:

Rabbit Parenting 101 -Posted on August 22, 2016 by Anonymous Conservative. “ A reader emails an article showing that human-rabbits are a different species”: A man holding his 4-year-old daughter’s hand was so terrified by a drive-by shooting unfolding before him in The Bronx that he released the kid’s grip and made like Usain Bolt — leaving the child to fend for herself, surveillance video released by the NYPD Saturday reveals. The footage shows the instant the man — walking with his daughter along College Avenue near East 170th Street at 9 p.m. Wednesday — reacts to gunfire from a passing Lincoln Town Car…Yet instead of grabbing the girl or shielding her, he shook free of the girl and ran…A police source was similarly stunned: “What’s wrong with that guy? You can’t just leave your kid like that…” …“Ain’t no sense in both of them dying,” another person reasoned. Elizabeth Phelps, a professor of psychology and neuroscience at NYU, said the dad’s apparent abandonment is just a normal reaction…”… it’s silly to give anybody in that circumstance a hard time,” said Abigail Gepner.

“Imagine how this guy will respond in the Apocalypse, which I assume is going to turn that city into a giant meat grinder. Notice also, the cop is blown away while the other city rabbits all totally understand. I will bet you could separate out Trump supporters by this metric alone. The fear which drove that man to shake free of his little girl, and leave her in front of the drive-by originated in the amygdala – the same organ whose morphological divergence is associated with political affiliation. Politics is r/K Selection Theory, and the amygdala is the foundational mechanism.”
Jeremy Bentham     Aug 22, 2016

P.S. My condolences to Oliver on the loss of his friend. Just like in the AC/NY Post article cited below you can't help but wonder what's the matter with people. They're part of the same country as the rest of us, but they act as if they were from a completely alien culture. Like from another planet even.
Mr Ecks     Aug 23, 2016

I'm sorry but that is a bridge too far.

The scrawny jug-eared twat is a spear point? He couldn't make it as a spear mint.
SidVic     Aug 23, 2016

I found your description of your talk with Oliver distressing. forgive me, i read your blog like a voyeuristic anthropologist. I really feel for the good honorable black guys. I could not live myself, as a man, if a woman or child was hurt in my presence and i did nothing and i'm under no illusions that i'm a badass. However if my courage failed me under those circustances, i would cut my own throat. We are out here.

There are many decent area's in this large country. Mostly they are reviled. Nontheless, where i currently live (semi-rural appalachia) you can't pull over to take a piss without a bunch of people stopping and trying to fix your car. We have more redheads per square mile than any other location on earth. A small black population exists here. They are decent and completely different that baltimore blacks. surprisingly, much interbreeding exists between the hilbilly girls and the blacks. though i must admit it appear mostly higher status blacks (have jobs) with lower status whites. regardless the kids are beautiful. Again in the interest of full disclosure the black daddies appear excessivly pussy whipped.

Tell oliver to get the fuck out of baltimore. It's toxic. Our ancestors, the robust ones, left europe when it became sour. Go west, buy at least one good set of clothes, join a big white church even if you don't believe that shit, find a naive (you'll be exotic) redhead and start living the good life.
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