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‘The Work of Man’
The Ancient Worldwide Signary by Mary Roberts Harrison
© 2016 James LaFond
Chapter 24 of the 1979 edition of The Rediscovery of Lost America, pages 208-219
In Pennsylvania alone, a father and his son collected over a thousand hard stones between 1941-53. These stones are grooved in the shapes of various symbols and letters found in different alphabets. According to the system used to date the dig the deposit should be at least two thousand years old. As to the recognizable Phoenician letters [we get phonics from their sound symbols], various academics have dismissed these letters and those found in other parts of North America, as random scratches from plough blades! Really, who many times does a farer have to run over unseen stones with his plough to generate a scrabble box worth of Ts, Ps, Xs, and Rs?
Mary Roberts Harrison goes far afield in the study of these marks by investigating the wide range of ancient alphabets that seemed to have a common origin. She found, in the 4,000-plus letter Strong Collection, letters from 28 different alphabets. With my studies or urban aggression and American slavery having convinced me that the American Narrative we have been fed through schooling and the media is an absolute, deliberate lie—a moral hoax of the first order—-I am not surprised to find that this collection is packed away and forgotten in the Smithsonian. What I was surprised at was the number of ancient proto-alphabets or signaries consulted, 1,000 symbols from 60 signaries, found in 34 countries, and that these predated Egyptian hieroglyphics and Phoenician letters. Having only been familiar with the Cretan and Proto-Greek Linear scripts, this revelation alone was mind expanding.
The conclusion Mary comes to is similar to those of Randal Carlson and Graham Hancock, that there was a global human civilization during the Ice Age. If it was global I’m glad it fell.
He: Gilgamesh: Into the Face of Time
‘On Spruce Hill’
book reviews
‘By the Process of Time’
into leviathan’s maw
barbarism versus civilization
within leviathan’s craw
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fiction anthology one
UlricKerensky     Feb 12, 2017

Tex Arcane came to much the same conclusion, through his can be best be simplified as a multi thousand years war fought by genetic engineered home sapiens.
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