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‘You Go Girl’
Jeremy and James on Women in Combat Sports
© 2016 James LaFond
Here you go James more “you go girl” feminism in action. Young American women are being encouraged to engage in boxing and other full contact sports while simultaneously young American men are being discouraged from doing so. Naturally we understand by now that there is always a Leftist transformational agenda behind such blatant contradictions like this. It’s not intended to make our society stronger either.
This agenda to imbue women with a masculine sense of physical agency and at the same time emasculate men is key to managing massive society in decline. On the surface it looks like the Left promoting the fallacy that men and women are interchangeable economic and social units, because the Left is doing just that. However, I see the Let as a puppet in this matter, with the true purpose behind emasculation and amazonization being the division of the genders in order to insure a lack of cohesion among couples. It has been a simple thing to destroy the extended family by encouraging the nuclear family and the using drugs, atheism, welfare and feminism to destroy the nuclear family. But there is something else that needs to be rooted out and destroyed, basic biological attraction between the sexes, which, in the west, has traditionally been sanctified by myths such as Tristan and Isolde and even Hansel and Gretel. As far back as 400 B.C. Hellas had the story of Euthymus and the slave girl and of the acts of [sorry I forget his name] and Thecla, love stories about men and women bonding in the face of a stifling social matrix.
Love between a man and a woman is the last dyke in the human defensive array. It must be undermined and breached if the System is to be rendered pure. With most children already whisked away on the night wings of the State, only the bond initiated by mutual cross-gender attraction, buttressed my antisocial romantic myth, stands in the way of the ultimate monotheistic slave society.
Books by James LaFond
Cuffing Wolves
the combat space
The Weight of the World
son of a lesser god
the lesser angels of our nature
sons of arуas
book of nightmares
time & cosmos
honor among men
logic of force
Sam Finlay     Aug 24, 2016

"transformational agenda" is right. From The Small Wars Journal; "Changing the “Macho” Male Culture of the US Military":


...Early this year I talked to another military buddy who had just left the Pentagon. His comments were even more troubling. “I used to think the Pentagon was divorced from the reality of the combat arms side of the military- that it was so out of touch with the average infantryman that it made me sick to work there,” he let on. “But that was when I first got there,” he continued. “Today it is times a hundred. The advocates of the women in combat arms are basically part of a larger effort to change the military culture- which they call a “rape culture”- and these folks are really linked close to the wider effort to change American culture.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Since I’m quick to suspect things that sound conspiratorialist, my BS-ometer started to go off. But, then I heard the same from two other friends of mine. In essence, the idea of many of these advocates is that the American male is a, mostly unconscious, misogynist, and that it comes from our culture: movies that hype physicality, combat, aggressiveness, and the treatment of women as objects. It also comes from our military: males dominate the services, are the only ones allowed in combat arms, and thus make up most of the higher ranks. The cure for all of this is simple: change the culture.

The “change the culture” movement has manifested itself in many ways and has taken on different efforts as well as groups that are loosely aligned towards fundamental change. On college campuses it has largely taken on the shape of the movement to end sexual harassment and sexual assault. As one professor from a prominent campus told me recently, “It isn’t really about ending sexual assault; it’s about controlling people and changing behavior. Men have the advantage in almost every way, so we have to find ways to cut into that advantage. Making traditional male behavior something that is socially unacceptable will cut their advantage. We have to make it unacceptable for men to talk the way they talk now, act the way they act now, and interact the way they do with women now, and have traditionally.” Hyping sexual assault statistics, making women fearful of men, and building a system that finds men guilty until proven innocent are simply means to the greater end of “cutting male advantage.”

In the movie industry, change has been slower, but increasingly children’s movies depict a smart and physically strong heroine and a weak and unintelligent male. In some action films, one-hundred pound women amazingly punch two-hundred pound males so hard they kill them. The message is clear: women can do anything that men can do and it is acceptable for women to be physically aggressive and strong- men, not so much.
Jeremy Bentham     Aug 24, 2016

“Destroy the Family and you destroy Society.” - Vladimir Lenin

“Anyone who knows anything of history knows that great social changes are impossible without feminine upheaval. Social progress can be measured exactly by the social position of the fair sex, the ugly ones included.”

- Karl Marx

“The black family survived centuries of slavery and generations of Jim Crow, but it has disintegrated in the wake of the liberals' expansion of the welfare state.” - Thomas Sowell

“Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.” - George Orwell, 1984

“He disliked nearly all women and especially the young and pretty ones who were the most bigoted adherents of the Party, the swallowers of slogans, the amateur spies and nosers-out of unorthodoxy.” - George Orwell, 1984

James, destroying the family, as well as all other normal relationships between human beings, has been part of the Marxist game plan for over a century now. Such ideas even predate Marx and can be traced to the French Revolution and even as far back as Sir Thomas More’s book “Utopia” (1516). Marxism needs conflict in society in order to effect the changes the Marxists want to make. So where there is no conflict they must create it. The modern welfare state has been able to destroy the working class family so effectively in the past 50 years because of the enormous abundance of resources that were put at the disposal of Western Marxists, ironically due to the great wealth created by Western Civilization. It has enabled them to incentivize the changes they wanted to make in ways that were impossible for past societies. Even the Communist countries couldn’t afford to pay people not to work like we can in America today. In fact it was just the opposite, in the Soviet Union it was against the law to not have a job (it was called “parasitism”) and in Communist China today there is no such thing as unemployment benefits. We are undergoing a Cloward and Piven style purposely induced collapse, so a new communist society can be built over the top of the wreckage of the old USA. Of course it will probably turn out more like a cross between Venezuela, the former Yugoslavia and Mad Max, but it’s worth the risk to take a shot at creating Utopia, eh?
Shep     Aug 24, 2016

James, these 3 paragraphs are 100% on point. I've forwarded them to my few remaining friends. They deserve to be published far and wide.
James     Aug 25, 2016

Thanks for the compliment.

But, Shep, now you might not have any friends!

I don't want to be the cause of your banishment.
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