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‘White Folk’s Trash, Black Folks Treasure’
8 of Tommy Sotomayor’s Recent Posts
© 2016 James LaFond
It has gotten to the point with the Mayhem in Dindustan that video jockeys like Tommy and Colin are posting so much stuff it is hard to keep up on and they are just putting up a sampling.
The most difficult story to fathom will be the third one down, in which two black males in their 20s are broken down on the side of the road and a black man in his 40s pulls over to lend them a hand and they decide to kill him. Black boys are taught by their mothers to hate men, before they are taught to hate white people. Indeed, many black women—not most, but a significant number—can only temper their hatred of men in the case of white men with means.
This is a direct result of the welfare state, which ingeniously reversed the repairs to the black family that had taken exactly 100 years to begin normalizing after the ultimately emasculating plantation experience. It was psychologically healthier for castoff, escaped and impoverished white slaves than for the black slaves that remained under the master’s care. The blacks might have had more economic stability than the hillbillies and backwoods hicks, but lacked an adversary, for their oppressor was a father figure [and very often actual biological father] to the black slave, where he was less so to the white slave. Perhaps it seemed like a small thing at the time, but being free and poor breeds a much better person than the plantation of old or the welfare state of today, which creates bitterly emasculated cowards with a huge sense of entitlement, most likely to strike out at those just above their social status rather than at the distant elite.
The fourth video is about a cop throwing away his job trawling for a loose teenager. This might seem insane. However, police officers are the least monogamous group of men I have known. Seriously, they are less monogamous than bikers, drug dealers and porno producers. [Yes, I knew two of them, and no, I did not get involved.]
Combine being a cop with being a black dude and you have a constant hunt for sex. The majority of the hundreds of black men I have known would have sex with any woman who would give it, regarding it as something of a religion to acquire sex with women. I would say that half of all black men will have unprotected sex with any woman. Indeed, Oliver told me of a stripper who had HIV, and told the men in the club in Atlanta were he saw her, that she had HIV. He said that many of “these dudes still wanted to have unprotected sex with her, convinced that somehow they would not catch it!”
Of the remaining 50% of black men I estimate that only 5% are monogamous, where slightly over half of the white men I have known are strictly monogamous. The remaining 45% of black men operate on a sliding beauty scale, generally willing to have sex with any woman who meets their standard.
Black Queen Calls 911 On Racist Arresting Officer Which Infuriates Him & Makes Him Assault Her!
Houston BT-1000 Drowns 2 Of her 4 Kids And Brags To The Neighbor About It!
2 Black Niggly Bears Murder 45 Year Good Samaritan Who Stopped To Help Them Out Of A Ditch by Tommy Sotomayor
First Photos Of Jackson Mississippi Officer Fired For Soliciting A Teen While On The Job!
Black Man Shoots Man At Gas Station In Broad Daylight Over A Gold Chain! #BlackLivesMatter
This is a text book study on the use of a hooded sweat shirt as a weapon. It is used for concealment also as a holster.
Tragic Mսlatto Korryn Gains Murdered By Police After Being A Piece Of Crap Mom!
Thug Boyfriend Of Korryn Gains Arrested On Heroin & Gun Charges!
2 Black Beast Go At It On The Bus Before S.I.M.P. Comes To The Rescue!
From ‘the Mountains of Argentina’
harm city
Chair of Doom
within leviathan’s craw
your trojan whorse
time & cosmos
the combat space
shrouds of arуas
into leviathan’s maw
Sam J.     Aug 26, 2016

How to live, by Tommy,"...Can't get no gas around Niցցers, can't get no snacks around Niցցers, can't get nothing...".

off topis, sorta. I posted a link to some Kurt Saxon stuff. I looked around a little and this article on Kurt's site might interest you.

The Slave Trade In The Congo Basin: links off this page. He has some writing there on bikers (Wheels of Rage) and stuff.
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