A man of the turn of the 18th and 19th century reminisces about a tour through the slums outside of Paris in his youth, around the year 1850, where his simple pedestrian curiosity is repaid by the elderly and poor inhabitants in the most savage manner, in the way traditionally reserved for a trespassing enemy.
From 2:22 to 3:06 Stoker sketches a brilliant picture of the soul-eating beast that is a city, laying down first the precept that centralization and categorization are interdependent, with the latter preceding centralization and providing its social means. Overall his picture of the industrial city is a horror sketch unparalleled in its accuracy and gray tone. The rag picking activity seems odd to the modern reader. I do recall one of my favorite actors, Kirk Douglas—father of the rich twit who married that black-haired doll, Catherine Zeta-Jones—discussing his autobiography, titled The Rag-Picker’s Son, as his father was such a gatherer in the period just after Stoker’s story.
With passages such as, “…steady, dogged, relentless and still in grim silence… ”Stoker weaves a simple tale of the hunted in a city, a place “of waste and desolation” and of “those dreadful dust heaps” a horrid matrix “filthy and noxious beyond description,” in which human behavior has reverted to its basest aspects. Burial of the Rats, in many ways, fits better in the post-apocalyptic genre than as a straight horror story. The fact that the hunters are physical wretches driven by a “strange, dogged…steadfast persistency” and that the slums of mankind’s cities are not the dwelling places of innocent oppressed, but the dens of savage, feral beasts dedicated to murder, lends a refreshing air to the savage yarn.
This story features, perhaps, the most extensive chase in horror literature.
A Well of Heroes
This is off topic but it talks about what you said about Whites fighting. It's by RamZPaul. It's very good and looking at it I think you're right about Whites not fighting and I'm wrong. I said that Whites didn't want to go to jail where they were out numbered by Blacks but in reality the end result of "why" that I stressed is immaterial. It doesn't matter because we are being overrun. I hope what RamZ says is wrong. It will be huge blow if so but I can see it happening.
I do believe that is Hillary is elected a large majority of Whites will realize that we're done. The old USA is no more and we'll be starting something different.
Oops. Forgot to link the video.
Hillary - The Black Pill