Quote of the Week
When advising a pair of young fighters about networking with martial arts instructors, Arturo Gabriel, Puerto Rican martial arts instructor, said the following, “Flips [Filipinos] are tricky to deal with. They will always demand some kind of consideration before they give you anything… They’re easier to deal with than the Chinese. The Chinese won’t give you a thing until you marry into the family or swear allegiance. Now Koreans, you just throw money at them.”
California State prison population: 119,542
Percentage of California State prison beds currently occupied: 149.5
-LA Times
Percentage of California State prisoners who are mentally ill: 30%
-NY Times
The number of hours it takes the average boxer to learn how to hit the speed bag: 6
The number of earthlings who think the above fact is worthy of consideration: 1
Frequency a Baltimore City bus patron will be panhandled at an uncovered bus stop: 1 in 14
Frequency a Baltimore City bus patron will be panhandled at a covered bus stop: 1 in 3
Frequency a Baltimore City bus patron will be approached by missionaries at a major transfer point: 1 in 7