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‘Jackals at Work’
Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins
© 2016 James LaFond
Perkins is a bleeding heart, but he should be, because he sold his soul three times and had half of his guts carved out. I found this book so enthralling that I took the long way home from work one morning, sitting on a bus that dead ended in the ghetto five miles from my place. As I strolled along reading and taking notes a police car began to shadow me for some while, until I finally sat down on a stone wall and wrote down the police cruiser’s number, at which point the cop drove off.
Unlike Perkins, I don’t think all the children should be saved or all of the world maintained as a holistic people farm. I do, however, suggest that any society, no matter how evil, would benefit from balance. I have no problem with inequity. If one man can rape the world and enslave all, hey, he earned it. But what we have now is something that requires even less of the elite than of their host, which marks the end of cycle.
So happy days must be near at hand, for 62 individual’s have more assets than half the world’s population!
Balance is just around the corner!
The most interesting thing to me, is that since this traditional American export is now being used to destroy American society in increasingly blatant ways, that the far Left and far Right have a temporary common cause. But with failure to realize common cause in times of crisis being a mark of mankind's fallibility, this fleeting window will certainly prevent any common effort.
America in Chains
The Night Nurse?
‘To Visit These Things Upon the World’
thriving in bad places
‘in these goings down’
graphomaniac archive #1
songs of arуas
ball of fortune
into leviathan’s maw
the fighting edge
son of a lesser god
Sam J.     Aug 29, 2016

If there's anyone who hasn't read this book they should. I concur with James this is a fantastic book. What they did to third world and others will directly happen to us. If this sort of thing interest you I strongly suggest you read

"The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse"

by Fernando "Ferfal" Aguirre

He was in Argentina when one of the controlled collapses happened. His book is not some guns to the hills nonsense. Ferfal's book is not as scholarly as Perkins book but it has practical advice for the average Man as Ferfal is a smart, but regular guy. What happened in Argentina was the gov. was inflating the currency really bad. Collapse inflation. The gov. allowed I think it was Citi Bank or Goldman Sachs to open a bank where you could keep your money in dollars. Then after like the whole damn country had put their money in dollars they froze the accounts, turned them into Argentina pesos and limited the amount you could get out of the account every day. They then proceeded to inflate away ALL the middle class wealth in Argentina. They looted the whole middle class. They went from being a middle class country to having White kids digging through garbage cans because they were so hungry. It's awful. You never here about this in the US because the same people that looted Argentina own the press here. They play it like it was some stupidity of the Argentinians that caused the collapse but it wasn't. It was planned. This was the exact thing that happened to the Germans and why they hated the Jews so much. Same Jews same story. They stole everyone's money and impoverished damn near everyone in the country. Keep your money out of the banks. We're next. Here's his blog.

He's got a lot of survival gear reviews, got to make a living, but also has a lot of stories of surviving financial collapse. Look at the Argentina stuff. I think he has links to what happened in Bosnia and how people survived during the race wars of Yugoslavia. These could be particularly of interest to people in the USA.

I found a link to the Bosnian story.

Argentina’s Economic Collapse Documentary

This is important stuff and the links I've placed here are just the best of many I've read to get this info. Don't forget Ferfal's book it's a decent read but the practical info is priceless. I don't know of a single book on the market that has the practical advice his does on how to survive a financial collapse.
James     Aug 29, 2016

Sam, a Nigerian friend of mine was discussing the goings on in his country and asked me—who can only name two cities in the entire place—why?

So I gave him Perkins' book, the only answer I had.

It really was a great book, even though the man himself irritates me.
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