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Dancing at the End of Moral Time
One Minute in a Suburban Living Room
© 2016 James LaFond
I spent last night with my Mother and my Aunt Madeline, both in their 70s. They should be further to the social Right than I. But my mother spent decades working for a university and imbibing the doctrine and my aunt has lived through network TV programing, popular magazines and newspapers her entire life. I typically read an entire book as they watch soap operas, game shows and talk shows hosted by black comedians and white lesbians. Mind you, these ladies are Trump supporters.
I do enjoy watching the baseball game with them as I am a stick fighting coach and enjoy the biomechanics. After I drained my second beer and rose after the announcement of a pitcher change in my quest of the third, profane beer, announcing that I was now drinking for effect, I was dazzled by a disgusting commercial for Southwest Airlines, in which a multiethnic cast of people dressed as airline employees danced, flipped bills and other wise cavorted according to the very recent and indecent protocols of the Atlanta Strip Club scene. Familiar with the way actors of certain target groups are framed in the commercial in such a way as to make clear what demographic is being appealed to in this way, I notice that I am being targeted, that this is supposed to be what appeals to the middle-aged white American.
Knowing that commercial writers are usually spot on, I am led to the conclusion that this is so and am disgusted, looking down to the left to see Aunt Madeline’s copy of People magazine which now looks like the cover of Jet magazine that the black janitor in my elementary school, Walt, used to carry in his back pocket in 1974. People magazine tells us at a glance that the majority of the people worth following on the celebrity stage are mixed race or black.
As I turn I see that my mother is reading sports illustrated but that there is some ugly, lantern-jawed, steroid-banging, female, Russian weight-lifter on the cover and blurt—I hope that’s not the swim suit issue!
Mom turns and grins, “Oh, that is Katlyn Jenner, who used to be Bruce Jenner.”
“You mean, that’s a dude in a dress, the same guy that was on the Wheaties box when I was a kid?”
My Aunt Madeline corrected me, “That is Katlyn Jenner. She is a woman. That is not a man in a dress.”
Not wanting to discuss how a T-bone, a Delmonico and a fillet are all still beef, I instead walked to the fridge, grabbed two beers, torpedoed one, and poured the other out serenely into Grandpa’s Natty Boh glass, trying to channel the stern old man who used to channel these women out by viewing two TVs with their volume down, with the home team game and the closest division rival’s game on big screen and small, while listening to the probable wildcard team playing on his transistor radio—the plug in his good ear—and understood him a little better.
If I Were King: This Guy Would Handle the Details
A True Portrait of America
‘In Perpetual Childhood’
the fighting edge
orphan nation
night city
your trojan whorse
‘in these goings down’
thriving in bad places
Ishmael     Aug 31, 2016

I was lucky, in the rural geography of my spot on the map, we recieved 1 fuzzy station, thank the lord for radio and books, my education started observing, and listening to Dads friends, and crazy relatives, retired to my room often.
Jeremy Bentham     Aug 31, 2016

This is fascinating! James, I'm curious to learn what the ladies find attractive about Trump as a candidate, given their fondness for PC popular culture and the attendant "Cult of Niceness". In the aggregate, the people who support Trump are people who like his 'incorrectness". People who have grown weary of being governed by mentally ill grievance mongers. Not people who accept the premise that a man in a dress is a woman. So what do the ladies believe Donald Trump will do that they would approve of? Is this a case of "anybody but Hillary"? Is Donald Trump another blank slate on which people are writing their hopes and dreams (as Barack Obama was in 2008)? There no wrong answer here, I am truly curious to find out.

"The object in life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane."

- Marcus Aurelius
Sam J.     Sep 1, 2016

"...I notice that I am being targeted, that this is supposed to be what appeals to the middle-aged white American..."

The ad writers are of the (((hebrew))) type and they are willing to lose sales if it promotes destruction of the country. The top execs of the companies don't know any better and just go with what the ad types tell them. They're losing sales from this. Look at the massive drop in TV, paper and movies from the browbeating Whites get and especially the demonetization of men. They say the drops are from competition of other sources of entertainment but I drastically reduced TV watching in the 80's when there was no internet. As a matter of fact my roommate and I went out and shot the TV because the third roommate wouldn't turn the damn thing off and we got pissed just listening to their lies. At that time I didn't know who or why they were lying I just knew they were.

It's amazing that a people can go to another country, Russia, overthrow it and kill 60 million people and then turn around and tell us how to live our lives and not even have it commented on. If they can do that then certainly they can get Men dressed as Women into little girls bathrooms no problem.

As a strange aside I have come to the conclusion that Blacks are just like American Indians. You've said yourself Indians were raised with no discipline and never spanked. Blacks hunt and gather with EBT cards for the basic stuff but it's hard to make anything working for the extras. So like the young Indian braves used to go rape, plunder and kill the Whites, Blacks do the same. How did that work out for them?
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