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‘In Perpetual Childhood’
Waking Up from the American Dream by Gregory Hood
© 2016 James LaFond
2016, Counter-Currents Publishing, San Francisco, CA, 167 pages
Thanks to Mescaline Franklin for the loan of this autographed copy
I have read a few articles by Gregory Hood and like his work. I did not realize until opening Waking Up from the American Dream that he was so young, younger than my oldest son. I found his opening piece, American Son to be enthralling as he recounted his upbringing and education, which seemed in every way the opposite of mine—and yet we come to the same conclusion—that the foundational creed of America, and the attendant domesticating dream, is a savage lie. I found his assessment of the significance of Obama and Trump to be uncommonly insightful—especially his last piece on Trump, marking the ego-sodden mogul as a pivotal figure in American History, win or lose.
Gregory’s discussion of the gun control imperative, in Why Liberals Hate Guns, was uniquely and refreshingly stated. Likewise, his framing of the perspective divide between European whites and American whites was also uncommonly balanced.
In No Separate Peace, Hood sketches the divide between White Christians and White Nationalists, stressing the remorseless Left as a common enemy even as he admits that the ideological span between the two is essentially unbridgeable. Even as he mildly excoriates Christians for being anti-white Jew-worshippers he does lay down some nice prose on their behalf, placing Christians as a more sympathetic target of The System than his own cohorts:
“The man is emptied, and then approved with the approved opinions of a manufactured culture.”
Despite an obvious, though stayed, aversion to Christianity, Hood admits that Christians are the only ones breeding white people, while his bunch records their dissent on the way to genetic oblivion, and that Christianity sits squarely in the crosshairs of the militant Left—which, as one reads the book, is obviously dominating center stage on all fronts.
The only item I found myself in disagreement with was his statement that the state’s function is to further the cause of a race. It may be that the furtherance of a race’s well-being is his or even THE ideal purpose for the state. However, the author, a White Nationalist, like many tribalism advocates, pusues the creation of true ethno-state but does not offer a historical perspective to prove that this was ever a case, which is the better, for it never has been the case. Just as the American creed of universal equality and sacred greed was a lie, so was the divine right of kings and the sanctity of the tribe to oligarchical elites who administer tribal-based polities. All states begin with the lie that the objective of furthering the cause of one specific tribe or ethnic grouping, is its reason for existence.
However, since all states are structured to negate the culture of the rival tribes and ethnicities, necessarily enslaved, allied to, merged with [Athens joined 10 tribes, Elis 3. Athens wielded more power but imploded.] or obliterated in order to further the cause of the founding race, this state carries the hierarchal mechanism for tribal-ethnic negation within itself and therefore is eventually turned upon the founding tribe, sometimes by interlopers, but most often by members of the core group selling out to outsiders in order to climb the hierarchy. The Aegean League, The Pelopenesian League, Macedonia, Rome all began and ended according to this inverting arc.
As for Britain, for which these lands were founded as a string of slave plantations to receive white slaves and work them into the dirt, one can hardly say that America was founded for the white race, but rather on its back. After the revolution, poor whites south of the Potomac were immediately disarmed and white slaves were imported and bought from England in the first decade of this nation’s birth. Indeed, England, was not for the Anglo-Saxons for any longer than their medieval time in the sun, after they crushed the remnants of Rome and the earlier indigenous races and before the Normans enslaved them. And then Norman Britain became a pure money making matrix after enough non-Normans wormed their way into the morally pocked structure of the British State—and so it goes. For the hundreds of formative years that produced early modern Britain [which produced the U.S.], the ruling elite spoke an alien language—French!
What I am pointing out, is that the Lie that is the American Dream, that Mister Hood so deftly deconstructs from among the ruins of our hopelessly shallow vantage, is itself built upon an older lie, which was earlier erected upon the ages old lie that the state serves something other than those who direct it. To think otherwise is analogous to denying that the automobile serves the driver, but rather the cause of automobile kind. I’m not being a total prick here. In fiction I have argued for the latter point, though the furtherance of automobile welfare still makes them slaves to driver kind, if a bit more self-aware than the mass of humanity.
The lie that Mister Hood deconstructs is much broader and deeper and darker than he knows—but he points the way in baby steps that a modern reader—who, according to the very virtue of our lie-structured society—will lack the necessary historical reading to arrive at this concluding. I highly recommend Waking Up from the American Dream and expect Gregory Hood to produce more good work to come.
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Sam J.     Sep 1, 2016

I think you have it nailed down. The State is to serve those that run the State. You've been a much smarter Man than me. A lot of my life I actually believed in the stories they told me. I knew that it was never perfect but I generally believed the basics. It's very disheartening to know different. Maybe that's why it's so hard to get through to those who still believe. They look at the truth and only see an abyss.
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