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Who is White?
A Question for the Separatist Paleface: An Addendum to a Review of Gregory Hood’s Waking Up from the American Dream
© 2016 James LaFond
Having spoken with a few White Nationalists, and having read numerous screeds, I remain curious as to the racial makeup—as well as definition of white, “white” not being a scientific classification, like Caucasoid, Caucasian or Indo-European [Aryan]. This question of who is “white” and who is “non-white” was something I once heard bandied about by white men of my grandfather’s generation, but is no longer discussed by the much more militant Alt Right.
I truly am interested in what such a state would look like, yet sense a devotion to vague exposition. Recently, in reading Gregory Hood’s Waking Up from the American Dream, I was shocked to read his admittance that, although the racially-identified White Right needs white Christians now, that they would have to be dispensed with [this was politely veiled] after victory. Noting that darker branches of the Caucasian bloodline will often be inclined—like the Hindu and Islamic men running liquor stores in Baltimore, who are polite to whites and sworn enemies to those who prey upon them—to aid other pinkish folk, and that Europeans can’t seem to build an Armageddon device without some Hebrew crunching the numbers, I’m wondering what the litmus test will be. And, most importantly, will Italians, or whites from Latin American, be considered white?
The Left might be able to appeal to the low-IQ Dindu hordes via vicious fairytales. But these more evolved people will be wondering if, after the formation of the ethno-state, they will get a “Thank you, Haji, for your help,” and then get tossed over the border to be torn apart by the ravenous savages they helped defeat.
If we are talking Caucasian, then you must include Semites—Jews and Arabs, one perennially divisive ethnicity and the other devoted to savagery for over a millennia. I don’t see that flying.
If we are talking Arуans or Indo-Europeans then you have to include Iranians, some Afghans, Pakistanis and many Indians.
My Uncle Bernie once said that all the blacks should be made to swim back to Africa with an Italian under one arm and a Jew under another arm to be dropped off on the way. I recall being simultaneously suspicious of his geography as well as his estimation of African American aquatic skill and am now of the opinion that he was artfully suggesting that all three groups simply drown in the mid-Atlantic.
If you bracket down any further, do you let the Basques in? They aren’t even Indo-Europeans. Neither are the Fins and the Hungarians—though these two served as allies to the short-lived, Germanic, posterchild, ethno-state beloved of American White Nationalists, with Hungarian members recruited into the Waffen SS.
Maybe a fresh mind like Gregory Hood could address these questions in the future. These questions deserve quite a bit of forethought if his dream of an American nation for people of European descent is to come to pass, for there has never been such a nation of any race [Germans and Japanese are not races, but an ethno-tribal-linguistic grouping, respectively]. As he correctly points out, the Plantations that became America were just investment schemes, never conceived of as ethnic polities, except in hindsight. In Bacon’s Rebellion [Virginia, 1676], poor whites, white slaves and blacks fought against rich whites, Indians and blacks. In the misnamed “Indian Warrs” of the same year in New England, whites, blacks and Indians fought Indians and adopted whites. One should also keep in mind that working class whites of the Union who fought in the Civil War, and those poor southerners—many thousands—who refused to serve the Confederacy, saw the Confederacy as an agent of black expansion, not as moderns see it, as an agent of white supremacy.
The idea of race as a political divisor is a modern construct, not observed by ancients beyond the narrowest ethnic bounds. The ancients—as with many more primitive societies—grouped their nations around a cultural ideal and utilized adoption to a degree still not approached in postmodern times. It would be fascinating to discover what racial doctrine will be put forth for such a state as Hood envisions. And if the will to put forth such a doctrine does not exist, then never will such a state come into existence, and I think it should. I wouldn’t live in it, but I think a White America should come into being. White America has not yet been born—has never existed, not for a year. Perhaps the looming failure of mixed-race, majority-white America shall give birth to such an ethno-state.
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Bernie Hackett     Aug 31, 2016

Dr. Jim:

I like your Uncle Bernie! The folks of that generation were not noted for their holding back on their opinions. As noted elsewhere, the older I get (wheeze, cackle!) the smarter they appear. They weren't taken in by THE LIE from the woymn/wimmen/their emasculated handmaidens.Native intelligence, and recognition of impending threats. Apparently bred out of the current bunch, that and the ongoing indoctrination by the skoolmarms and the media, plus their hollywierd enabelers. And the Amish.
Sam J.     Sep 1, 2016

"...Uncle Bernie once said that all the blacks should be made to swim back to Africa with an Italian under one arm and a Jew under another arm to be dropped off on the way..."

Your Uncle was FINE fellow but he got it wrong. They should have to carry two Jews as I don't have anything against Italians.

Jews have said over and over and over and over...add lots more and overs...that they are not White. Shouldn't you hold them too it? The Jews are actually a tribe of psychopaths that worship Satan and according to their religion the only Humans on Earth. The rest of us on Earth are only fit to be their slaves and a lineage of cattle.

I will give you my advice on who's White and it will be worth exactly what you pay for it. All Europeans. Some Iranians, Egyptians, Arabs, etc. If they look White they're White except for Jews who are psychopaths. Here's a extremely accurate depiction of the Jews.
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