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On Sister Nature
Right Wing Babe Reminds Us that it is ‘Our Civic Duty to Kill These People’ by Blonde in the Belly of the Beast
© 2016 James LaFond
“Speaking of the female impulse to get men to wage violence, I saw this earlier this morning and thought of what you've written on Spartans and so forth. At 4:20 this nice cute SWPL-looking girl outright calls for blood. What a time to be alive.
"You may drive out nature with a pitchfork, and yet, she'll return:’
-Sam Finlay
Sam, she’s cute, and very intelligent for a blonde woman—but the cat just killed it for me…oh, she’s saying something…okay, she’s not the dumb bitch—it’s the Dindu breeder.
..five minutes later.
I really like the way you selected this, Sam. The savage hoodrat bitch and the hot suburban babe essentially say the same thing to their various constituents—go kill the enemy.
The Blonde is growing on me. I really like the other video she posted at the bottom of this page. This is better journalism than anything on broadcast TV and this girl is less emotive than Stefan Molyneux, who is nominally regarded as a man.
I hope cheerleading makes more sense to us now.
I think she’d make a decent Spartan woman—but we’d have to throw her in a jello-filled pit with that Dindu bitch from Muvafuckee. If she needs work on her hands, you know where to send her, Bro.
Thriving in Bad Places
video reviews
Instant White Flight
fiction anthology one
ball of fortune
beasts of arуas
the lesser angels of our nature
the gods of boxing
Jeremy Bentham     Sep 3, 2016

“The thing that most strengthens their courage is the fact that their troops are not made up of bodies of men chosen by mere chance, but are arranged by families and kindreds. Close by them, too, are those dearest to them, so that in the midst of the fight they can hear the shrieks of women and the cries of children. These loved ones are to every man the most valued witnesses of his valor, and at the same time his most generous applauders. The soldier brings his wounds to mother or wife, who shrinks not from counting them, or even demanding to see them, and who provides food for the warriors and gives them encouragement.”

- Publius Cornelius Tacitus “Origin, Location, Manners, and Inhabitants of Germany” 98 A.D.

As you can see cheerleading has a long and honored history

White women may as well make themselves useful again, instead of just getting in the way. There already is a race war, but only one side is doing the fighting.

"Just rejoice at that news and congratulate our forces and the marines. Rejoice." - Margret Thatcher, announcing the liberation of South Georgia during the Falklands war in 1982
Sam J.     Sep 4, 2016

She doesn't name the Jew. Eventually as political correctness is lowered people will start to look around and see that ALL the media is run by the Jews. Therefore any propaganda is theirs. They are the ones pushing mass immigration. They are the ones pushing illegal immigration. They are the ones pushing Blacks to attack Whites and are the primary funding for BLM. They are the ones pushing anti-White commercials that attack White Men and make Blacks God. If you read a little history you see that what they are doing here is extremely similar to what they did in Germany and push back was deserved. They destroyed Germany and the whole entire middle class and the currency. They killed 60 million in Russia. Where are the supposed pro-White Jews telling us what the other Jews are doing? Where are the Jews telling the truth about building #7, not hit by a plane, that fell the same speed as a rock dropped in air for roughly 108 feet? For the building to fall as fast as the rock in air it means that the building had the same support as the rock had. Air. We all know this is a lie so the building MUST have had the bottom demoed out from under the top. Now if I a loathsome Redneck can see this, along with thousands of architects and engineers, how can the Jews who run the media not see it also? Where is the good Jew?

Myth of the Good Jew
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