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The Proximate Fall of Anglo-America
Maryland Mall in the Civil Rights Crosshairs for Trying to Protect its Merchants and Customers from Dindu Hordes
© 2016 James LaFond
The Maryland Commission on Civil Rights, along with the NAACP, are investigating Towson Town Center—the key to deep affluent suburbia in Baltimore County [1]—for not permitting youths under the age of 18 to appear unsupervised after 5 p.m. Numerous other malls in Maryland have such policies, despite the fact that it is explicitly against Maryland Law, which prohibits discrimination based on age. What triggered this was the sense that it is a cover for discrimination against black youth. It really is no fair that groups of affluent black youth are not allowed to gather in packs and stone police, while white youth remain free to gather around the video game console in Mom’s basement.
This mall is being investigated by a government agency working as a pawn of the NAACP.
During the Purgiot of 2015, all County Police resources that were not sent in to aid their City counterparts were diverted to Towson to block the Dindu hordes from accessing the Heart of Whitebreadistan. The hordes were checked there as hunter-purge teams cleared the streets of Eastern Baltimore County of whites, but have remained a threat at this mustering site were five key bus lines merge. What the authorities do not know and the reporters would not tell us in any case is this:
Those packs of youth that gather at the Towson Town Mall are not striking at that location other than to assault police and occasionally a lone paleface. What these groups do is board the various busses to go on raiding expeditions. These are not ghetto kids from the city, but affluent black youth packing up and going on adventure raids in quest of poor and working class white victims. One such group targeted me in Rosedale this winter. Not only do we have professional black criminals driving out from east and west Baltimore, sweeping the streets clear of palefaces at night in car-borne squads, but we have rich black kids dressing up like rappers and attacking lone whites in Parkville, White Marsh, Rosedale, Essex, Middle River and Perry Hall.
The marshalling points for these operations are Towson Town Center, the White Marsh Mall, and The 8th Precinct Police Barracks [I shit you not]. It will be interesting to discover if any of the half-dozen Maryland malls—and how many of the approximately 100 malls nationwide—with such age-based policies, will be able to maintain them in the face of State and Federal pressure to let the mob roam through their merchant space.
If this happens then we have finally seen the fall of British America, for the only vision the founders of this nation had was for a secure base to make money. Yet, since the ox-eyed multitudes of the U.S. believe that this nation was founded for less practical reasons, it will be doubtful if they will even know when it falls.
1. York Road, which runs from the heart of the Baltimore City ghetto to York, Pennsylvania, bottlenecks at a circular round-about on the hill above Towson Town Center. After one passes Towson Town, the affluent Dulaney Valley and the upper middleclass York Road ridgeline, that runs parallel to the west of the Loch Raven Watershed, lay unprotected: 8 miles of easy white meat, fine guilt-ridden women and emasculated white men. If I were a Dindu warlord and the grid went down I'd line York Road with the staked heads of the white rabbit men and feather my bed with their repressed women. Virtually all Baltimore County police resources are focused on protecting the County Seat in Towson and of denying access to the sacral valley and edified ridge. The hilarious aspect is that the children of the blacks who made it to this middleclass American Mecca are packing up and hunting working class whites to the east in imitation of their root culture in the City, and this is okay with the authorities, which begs the question, was this the plan all along?
Under the God of Things
Thriving in Bad Places
Instant White Flight
harm city
Your Harm City
crag mouth
the gods of boxing
book of nightmares
masculine axis
the fighting edge
time & cosmos
on combat
let the world fend for itself
Nero The Pict     Sep 4, 2016


Damn, you are on point with your tactical assessment of the Towson area. I always wondered how it was able to stay a relatively safe and affluent bastion with the #8 landing LST's full of Baltimore's brave and noble youngsters up north on the hour...Never made any sense. Do you think at one point there existed a psychological bulwark against such incursions. Or was it that the Baltimore County Po-Po were just a bunch of skull crackers that didn't take any lip?

Another factor that ties in closely with Towsons geography is the fate of communities such as Cockeysville, Lutherville, and Hunt Valley which can be linked to the Light Rail Line and the Section 8 apartment complexes north of Towson (which does have that little project there on the East side).

My father used to do maintenance and gardening up in some of those areas. I remember him telling tales of home invasions etc. that were kept quiet and not reported on in the media (this was 20+ years ago, some of these incidents were particularly brutal and grisly) that all started happening as the Light Rail popped up.

In the mid-late 90's if you rode the Light Rail north....Basically starting at the Baltimore County Line there was always at least one squad car posted at every stop. From a strategic standpoint that's a fair amount of manpower to have in a fixed position like that....
James     Sep 4, 2016

The home invasions began immediately after the light rail installation. But, that largely bypassed Timmonium. A short term solution was stopping the #8 at Lutherville Station where the light Rail links up and encouraging all the Dindus to head directly to the Hunt Valley cul de sac. Taking the #9 through Lutherville, Timonium, Cockeysville and Sparks to Hunt Valley is a pain in the Dindu posterior. What the Dindus have done is start hopping the #55 and #11 to go on raids instead of heading out to the valley. On top of that the affluent valley Dindus are imitating them. Until recently the Towson Cops took less shit than the rest. Also, commanding officers in Towson would first be vetted cracking heads in Dundalk and Essex before getting posted to the County Seat precinct, kind of like the Germans rotating troops out of the Russian front to guard the Atlantic Wall.
Sam J.     Sep 4, 2016

They need to have a law that says if you get convicted of any crime you can't ride public transport unless you're going to work or maybe some designated time for shopping on the weekends and enforce it. Yes I know they won't pass this I'm just pointing out that there are an enormous amount of ways to control the Dindus. The South did so for hundreds of years by watching them carefully and being Draconian when they didn't follow the rules. No different than what Giuliani did in New York. If you crack down on crime hard eventually you catch up and less of it gets created in the first place. I don't believe Trump is a miracle Man or anything like that but he has through persistence and by telling the press to go fuck themselves made it where you can question the Jew line on Whites having no agency at all. He's made it for the first time in decades allowable to look after White interest regardless of what the Jews or Dindus want. This needs to be reinforced.

I'm curious how you ascertain that the Black kids are suburban kids? Apparently they don't fear the law or they wouldn't be doing this. If you made me King for day and I put in place my huge ecotopia permaculture desert plantation project into effect they would learn fear real quick.
Ishmael     Sep 5, 2016

If the Latinos and blacks call a truce between tribes, whitey better head to high ground for last Stand.
Shep     Sep 6, 2016

If the grid goes down, or a tribal truce is called, I'm invoking Rule .223 :
Sam J.     Sep 8, 2016

The British suck. They conquered the Boers for the Jews so the Jews could come in and take the gold and diamond mines. Before gold and diamonds were found the Boers were happily going about their business farming, ranching and shooting the insidious poison arrow sneak attack Bushmen. The Boers took an empty country and turned it into something. Even more so than the USA there was very, very few people there when they got there. Most all Blacks who run the place now were invaders to the area. They came for jobs after the Boers built the place up and to run away from other tribes who were into large scale genocide.

The Boers big mistake was to listen to the Jews and give the majority of invading Blacks the vote. Their position now is exactly the position Whites in the US will be in about 30 years from now. They are murdered frequently and no one cares. The Boers should have just dug in and told everyone to go to hell. Their growth might have been less but they wouldn't be dead.

It may very well be that the Jews are actually the remnants of the Neanderthals. The Neanderthals spent 250,000 years in Europe and didn't do one damn thing. Cro-Magnons came into Europe 40,000 years ago and made something of the place. Then built up the whole planet. It was known that the Neanderthals were a violent bunch with huge numbers of fractures on every skeleton that has been found. It's also known that there is no mtDNA from Neanderthals existing in populations today. mtDNA comes from the Mother. What does that tell you? It tells me that the only surviving Neanderthal DNA in White populations comes from Neanderthals raping Cro-Mag Women. My guess is the violent Neanderthals attacked the Cro-Mags and raped their Women until the Cro-Mags got sick of it and wiped their evil asses out in a big purge. The only place the Neanderthals survived was in the mountains and out the way places. If it were Cro-Mags raping Neanderthal Women then there would be mtDNA from Neanderthal Women in present populations somewhere. There is none that I've heard of. Micheal Bradley has a lot of good info on this.
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