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Your Harm City
Getting away from the FBI’s Flawed View of Human Aggression
© 2016 James LaFond
The FBI rates the risk of living in a given area [This is a municipal space, mind you, not a livestock pen—or is it?] on how many crimes of a certain type are reported per 100,000 inhabitants.
Since we are discussing predation here, perhaps we should use a river crossing of wildebeests as an example. If there are 20 crocodiles and each two will eat a wildebeest, then, according to the FBI, if 100,000 ungulates cross that river the rate is a mere 10 in 100,000. But, if only ten try and cross, well—you won’t even get to file the report because the witnesses will have been eaten.
The premise behind the population-based risk assessment is simple livestock management methodology in encouraging heard-like, passive behavior, finding safety in inert numbers among humans. Yet the pack-based and lone-predator-based mindset of the criminals committing these crimes are ignored, discounted.
Since lone criminals operate based either on lack of population density at the time of attack, the most likely place to be attacked by a lone predator is in a high-population-density and supposedly safe area [like New York or LA] when few people are not out and about.
Also, since the most common criminals are pack-based predators, not loners, their scheme of aggression is invariably based on territorial boundaries and characteristics. Such pack attackers can launch attacks in full view of witnesses and still get away most of the time, due to the dispersion of legal risk encouraged by our system of criminal law, in which it is fundamentally impossible to convict all of the perpetrators of a crime. Even when the RICO Statute is used against organized crime the Feds still need a turncoat witness who gets off.
I have discussed this in more depth in [ARTICLE]
196[/ARTICLE], which I suggest you read. However, keep in mind a very good point that a fellow urban nomad has made to me considering some of the East Coast cities he’s been to:
“People think New York has gotten better. To an extent it has. But you still have over a million black people. Think about that. That is three times as many black people as Baltimore has. So if you took all of the Dindus out of New York and gave them their own city it would be the most violent place on earth. The false implications of the numbers-based merchant mindset of the managerial class, actually hides how violent New York is and how savage those people are by lumping them in with all of the hard working Chinese, stupid Latinos and faɡɡot hipsters, to make New Your sound less dangerous than someplace like Baltimore.”
-Mescaline Franklin
Consider that idea, of taking the worst portions of your city and setting it aside as a separate entity. No matter where you live, I bet you could come up with a scary place, where the FBI numbers scheme and the pack-based criminal’s territorial scheme would both make the same sense out of the same apparent nonsense.
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The Proximate Fall of Anglo-America
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Jeremy Bentham     Sep 5, 2016

"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." – British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli (1804–1881).

Good point. The dirty little secret is that when one just compares the white population in America to the white populations in Europe, Canada and Australia the murder rates are nearly the same. In any jurisdiction the higher the percentage of whites in the population the LOWER the murder rate will be; whereas the higher the percentage of blacks, Native Americans, and Hispanics in the population the HIGHER the murder rate will be. This is true in Canada as well as America. The overall murder rate for Canada is 1.73 homicides per 100,000 people as opposed to 4.8 per 100,000 for the USA (2011). However many individual Canadian provinces have higher overall murder rates per 100,000 than many American states: Nunavut 21.01, Northwest Territories 6.87, Manitoba 4.24, Saskatchewan 3.59, Alberta 2.88, and Nova Scotia 2.33. Compare that to Maryland 6.5, North Dakota 3.5, Wisconsin 2.9, Montana 2.8, Idaho 2.3 and Minnesota 1.4. If the states of Maryland and Wisconsin could divest themselves of the cities of Baltimore (37 murders per 100K in 2015) and Milwaukee (17 murders per 100K in 2015) respectively, their overall murder rates would no doubt plummet to match Canada’s overall rate. Incidentally the top murder city in the USA for 2015 is Detroit at 45. Honduras is credited by the UN with having the highest murder rate of any country in the world with 90.4 murders per 100k population in 2012. Russia has a murder rate of 9.5.

FYI: It is interesting to note that the mean average murder rate in Greenland over the 16 year period from 1995 to 2011 was 16.19 per 100,000. This fluctuated from a high of 30.18 in 2001 to a low of 1.76 in 2011. Mind you the total population of Greenland is only 56,295 (2014). It would appear that the Inuit people in Greenland have serious anger management issues.
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