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How Many Books Have You Written?
A Man Question from Michelle
© 2016 James LaFond
The fact is I cannot say for certain, as I am stretching the bounds of what a book is by the way I use this site to generate books. I write multiple titles on multiple subjects concurrently as it maximizes my writing. The people I work closely with help me free of charge and each have their own POD platform. If something really appeals to Mescaline, Jamie, Erique, Danica or Charles, I’ll give them the publication rights and generate a proof copy on the backend of my Punch Buggy Site so that I can order versions for myself at cost. Charles gets an option for e-books he thinks fit the site. I have the Kindle option on Punch Buggy and Nerd Church. Non-fiction Punch Buggy Books have not been proofed by an editor, so will have typos. Punch Buggy Fiction gets proofed two extra times by myself—which means there are still some typos. Therefore, if you see an edition of a Punch Buggy book that has been picked up by one of the above [such as Forever Autumn's When You're Food: Raw], it will have gone through that last step that publishing house books go through, and should be your purchasing choice.
Books by James LaFond
Punch Buggy Books: 82
Nerd Church [Erique]: 13
Dark Eyed Girl [Jamie]: 8
Forever Autumn Press [Mescaline]: 3
Paladin Press [Donna]: 3
JamesLaFond.Com Exclusive [Charles]: 2
Hun House [Danica]: [various titles in progress]
Unpublished: 1
Retired: 1
In Progress: 27 [assigned and unassigned]
Complete: 112 [with a handful being rewritten and retitled versions]
Available: 110 [in print and or e-version]
I suppose the answer is: I have written 112 books and am working on 27.
Title List, Including In Progress
Listings with a * are in progress.
Books by James LaFond
Nonfiction: 76
The Fighting Edge, 2000
The Logic of Steel, 2001
The First Boxers, 2011
The Gods of Boxing, 2011
All Power Fighting, 2011
When You’re Food, 2011
The Lesser Angles of Our Nature, 2012
The Logic of Force, 2012
The Greatest Boxer, 2012
Take Me to Your Breeder, 2014
The Streets Have Eyes, 2014
Panhandler Nation, 2014
The Ghetto Grocer, 2014
American Fist, 2014
Don’t Get Boned, 2014
Alienation Nation, 2014
In The Chinks of The Machine, 2014
How the Ghetto Got My Soul, 2014
Saving the World Sucks, 2014
Taboo You, 2014
Winter of a Fighting Life, 2014
Narco Night Train, 2014
Into the Mountains of Madness: in [3 volumes], 2014
Incubus of Your Sacred Emasculation, 2014
Breeder’s Digest, 2014
The Third Eye, 2015
Modern Agonistics, 2015
By the Wine Dark Sea, 2015
The Pale Usher, 2016
The End of Masculine Time, 2015
War Drums, 2015
A Thousand Years in His Soul: The Poets, 2015
A Thousand Years in His Soul: The Seers, 2015
Of Lions and Men, 2015
Your Trojan Whorse, 2016
On Bitches, 2016
Equidistant Drowning Babies, 2015
The Boned Zone, 2015
A Sickness of the Heart: Part One, 2015
Let the Weak Fall, 2015
If I Were King, 2015
Dark Art of an Arуan Mystic, 2015
Welcome to Harm City: White Boy, 2015
When You’re Food: Raw, 2016
The Punishing Art, 2016
Twerps, Goons and Meatshields, 2016
Our Captain, 2016
Stillbirth of A Nation, 2016
America in Chains, 2106
40,000 Years from Home, 2016
The Sardonyx Stone, 2017 *
Habitat Hoodrat: Ho Nation, 2016
When Your Job Sucks, 2016
A Once Great Medieval City, 2016
Right on White Time, 2016
A Well of Heroes: One, 2016
A Well of Heroes: Two, 2016 *
Paleface Sunset, 2016
Thriving in Bad Places, 2016
Into Wicked Company, 2016
One Soul Under God, 2016
Under the God of Things, 2016
Dawn in Dindustan, 2016 *
Good Morning, Dindustan! 2016 *
Habitat Hoodrat: Yo Nation, 2016 *
The Combat Space, 2017 *
A Dread Grace: One, 2017 *
The Liver-Eater Reader, 2017 *
Lunch at Café Dindustan, 2017 *
In Words, 2017 *
Slave Nation, 2017 *
Arуan Myth, 2017 *
Why Grownups Suck, 2017 *
A Dread Grace: Two, 2017 *
A Well of Heroes: Three, 2017 *
The Boxer Dread, 2017 *
Fiction: 57
Astride the Chariot of Night, 2014
Sacrifix, 2014
Rise, 2014
Motherworld, 2014
Planet Buzzkill, 2014
Fruit of The Deceiver, 2014
Forty Hands of Night, 2014
Black and Pale, 2014
Daughters of Moros, 2014
Darkly, 2014
This Design is Called Paisley, 2015
Hurt Stoker, 2015
Poet, 2016
Triumph, 2015
Winter, 2015
The Spiral Case, 2016 *
Hemavore, with S. L. James, 2016
Yusuf of the Dusk, 2016 *
Beyond the Pale, 2017 *
RetroGenesis: Day 1, with Erique Watson, 2015
Easy Chair, 2015
Happily Ever Under, 2015
Road Killing, 2015
Fat Girl Dancing, 2015
Buzz Bunny, 2015
T. Spoone Slickens, Inquire, 2015
Dream Flower, 2015
The Song of Jeannot, 2015
Organa, 2015
A Hoodrat Halloween, 2015
Buzz Bunny, 2015
The Consultant, 2015
Reverent Chandler, 2015
He, 2016
Little Feet Going Nowhere, 2016
DoomFawn, 2016
The Jericho Bone, 2016
Ire and Ice, 2016
Night City, 2016
Night Song of the Nords, 2016 *
A White Christmas, 2016 *
The Absolvant, 2017 *
Kettle of Bones, 2017 *
Wendigo, 2017 *
Sold, 2017 *
Sunset Saga Novels
Big Water Blood Song, 2011
Ghosts of the Sunset World, 2011
Beyond the Ember Star, 2012
Comes the Six Winter Night, 2012
Thunder-Boy, 2012
The World is Our Widow, 2013
Behind the Sunset Veil, 2013
Den of The Ender, 2013
God’s Picture Maker, 2014
Out of Time, 2015
Seven Moons Deep, 2016 *
WhiteSkyCanoe, 2017*
Books by James LaFond
Under The God of Things
the man cave
‘A Test of Belonging’
the greatest boxer
son of a lesser god
taboo you
uncle satan
songs of arуas
shrouds of arуas
honor among men
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