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This One's Fo Skittle
Harm City Hood-rats Serve Notice to Hispanics
© 2013 James LaFond
Adapted from a Baltimore Sun Article by Justin George and Scott Dance, from the Wednesday, July 17, 2013 edition, buried on the bottom of the second page
On Sunday July 15, 2013, just after the news went out that Z-man had been acquitted for the shooting of Skittle, I listened to a voicemail from out of state, from a friend that follows the news, “Hey Jim, Z-man got acquitted. You better stay inside for like a month until this blows over—they’ll be coming out of the woodwork.”
Sin [That misspelling must have been a Freudian slip, so I am keeping it, and henceforth changing the name of said rag.] paper reporters and police are doing what they can to suppress the fact that Melvin Garcia, 37, was randomly attacked by a pack of teenage Patterson Park Boyz on a Baltimore City street, because he is Hispanic. FaceBook postings by a witness has shed some light on the police cover-up and, on Tuesday, July 16 two 911 recordings were released that did indicate that this was a racially motivated attack, even though, as affirmative action scholars have repeatedly pointed out, ‘blacks are sociologically incapable of expressing racism’.
The Patterson Park Area of East Baltimore has traditionally been a racial hunting ground. Black boys used to randomly gun down whites in the area, and a medical school student was beaten into a coma there by three black men a few years back. Former BASH [Baltimore Area SkinHead] leader Slam, used to wander the park at night, stabbing those black youths who targeted him for violent crime.
This past Sunday, Mister Garcia fell into the reawakening net of brutality that has always plagued that area despite a special John’s Hopkins sponsored police detail to suppress crime near hospital housing. Mister Garcia was passing a group of teens when one said, ”What’s up?”
Not being a whitebread idiot, he felt threatened and acted, accessing his cell phone. Then one of the youths pulled a gun and others threw him to the ground where he was beaten in broad daylight as motorists drove by. At least three callers phoned 911 and described the attack as racially motivated while it was in progress. One indicated that they were “…throwing him down into the street because he’s Mexican.”
I contacted Slam, who is now retired, and no longer violent, to ask his opinion on the black-on-Hispanic violence, reminding him of the black cop who was robbing Mexicans a few years back. Here is his sage counsel, “It’s inevitable that the mookes and the muds will go at it. That’s the way it is in prison. Our task is to manage the mayhem to our advantage. Things will tilt to the mud advantage as soon as some of the more virulent Hispanic strains show up. The Mexicans are just the worker bees. Wait ‘till the Salvadorans come up from D.C. It’s a matter of time. For now it’s still Mooketown.”
There have, of course, been no arrests.
James, 7/17/13
Harm City titles pertinent to this story:
Stoning Baboons [free, below]
When You’re Food [for sale to the right]
Harm City Courtship
harm city
Black Gorilla Family News #1
plantation america
orphan nation
song of the secret gardener
night city
songs of arуas
barbarism versus civilization
dark, distant futures
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