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Cutting Throats
Jeremy Bentham on Muslim Animal Sacrifice Turnsing Dhaka Streets Red with Blood
© 2016 Jeremy Bentham
One advantage Islamic jihadists have over their Western infidel enemies is that the Jihadists have often have hands-on experience cutting throats. They acquire this training from during traditional animal sacrifices they conduct during their annual Islamic religious festivals. In particular the Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. Most urbanized westerners by contrast have never had to kill their own dinner or have even seen it done for that matter. As you can see from the photographs this can make an awful mess when half the people in town decides they have to slaughter some farm animal in the street. Middle-Eastern have no storm sewer systems so there is nowhere for the blood to go. People in third world countries don’t believe in the germ theory of disease, so they are generally unconcerned about the danger posed by blood borne pathogens, or diseases spread by insect vectors feeding on blood and other animal and human waste. Of course this is exactly the sort of “vibrant multiculturalism” our Leftist elites have planned for us.
Thanks, Jeremy. And let us not forget that these guys make sure the anima is facing their holy city before they do him in. Which should assist them in posing victims for terror videos.
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