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In Honor of the Old Gods
Jeremy and James discuss Underground High School Fight Clubs
© 2016 James LaFond
Twitter “Fight Club” shows disturbing videos of Texas students brawling
The school officials express much concern about this. Especially since the youngsters are posting videos of the fights on social media. Nowadays school officials are quick to involve the police in such matters.
Fifty-six years ago they didn’t have underground “fight clubs” in high schools. They didn’t need them. High schools still had boxing teams back then. If you wanted to fight people would tell you to join the boxing team. How does a young man prove he’s a tough guy now…and stay out of trouble with the law that is?
-Jeremy Bentham
I see this as hope, Jeremy, hope for humanity, hope for masculinity, if of a feral strain. Society has done its best to neuter both sexes: boys rebel by forming gangs and fight clubs. Girls rebel be becoming slutty sex slaves to lowlife criminals.
I certainly prefer this fight club thing to gang life. Consider that the slaves of Mammon who dominate our society have turned sports into money farms for elite freaks and martial arts into day care. What is a normal dude with hair growing on his balls to do?
I hope that any adult on their way to break up this activity, punish the fighters or arrest them, suffer the fate of all those who defy the Old Gods—to be stricken by lightning, deafened by thunder, superseded by The Thunderer in the coupling of their mate and cursed by the Trickster to be forever sneered upon and celestially shat on.
Let it be so, bro.
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