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The Emasculated Mind
A Return to Harm City: 9/19/16
© 2016 James LaFond
Yesterday, as I flew back to Baltimore from the Rocky Mountains, next to a retired business man and his wife, they read the newspaper—the New York Times, I think. She read the political circus news and fashion. He read sports.
While washing my hands in the airport bathroom, all of the returning Baltimore men were discussing the only thing men discuss in Baltimore and surrounding suburbs: the Baltimore Orioles baseball team and the Baltimore Ravens football team.
A few hours later, the young guys at work spoke of video games, MMA news and football.
This is the norm, something I have been long used to, something most of my extended family will engage in rather than discuss what they do, for we live in a proxy society: not expected—and often not permitted—to defend ourselves, we sit and watch teams of millionaire mercenaries playing for the bragging rights of billionaires, rather than play football ourselves. We make money in a multitude of demeaning fashions we would rather not discuss.
In Baltimore the newspaper has four items on each front page: reigning in the brutal police, glorifying criminals, following the local sports franchise and reporting on the doings and/or selection of our supreme ruler.
What a difference 2,000 miles makes.
I spent ten days with real people, in Utah, Wyoming and Montana.
In five small towns I saw numerous newspapers, but not one had a cover story about the presidential race, sports, crime or scandal. The front page stories were about water, air, land, timber, wildlife, livestock—building or not building.
Conversations I listened in on revolved not at all around politics, police, celebrity worship or obsession with the performance of athletes hired by someone else. These conversations were about school, tools, trucks, animals, sports currently engaged in by the speakers, the local high school sports team, preserving water, wildlife forest resources, fighting brush fires, preparing for the winter, etc.
Over and over again in the works of my favorite fiction author, Robert E. Howard, he writes of the moral superiority of Barbarism [being an outsider] over Civilization. I believe that this is what he was getting at, the inauthentic armchair life of the civilized drone, doing nothing and having an opinion on everything. I watched a young man get suited up to go fight a brushfire, his son aiding him, and his nephew asking his mother, aunt and grandmother if he too should become a volunteer fire fighter. All of these women encouraged him. In an urban or suburban setting such things are done by other people, the risks deferred, the youth directed to the most profitable and least risky career path by the smothering adults, who seek to pass the soul-chains of domestication on to their children, rather than championing self-sufficiency and local sustainability.
I hope Dindustan does not spread to such places. For when there are no longer such comparisons to be made—the nullification machine known as Civilization will have won.
Under the God of Things
In Honor of the Old Gods
the man cave
Go West, He-Man
the gods of boxing
orphan nation
menthol rampage
sons of arуas
search for an american spartacus
on the overton railroad
on combat
Jeremy Bentham     Sep 20, 2016

"Doing nothing and having an opinion on everything." LMAO! Indeed James, that pretty much sums up how we white country folk view white big city folk. Their attitudes and priorities of life are often so different from ours that it seems like they must be a separate species. From another planet or something. Even with the people we are related to, when they move to the city and /or attend a major university it's like the pod people from outer space got ahold of them and replaced them with look-alike duplicates. The PC indoctrination machine is all too effective. Likewise the city slickers see us country bumpkins as a bunch of dullards and bores because we talk about things they have no interest in. Or with which they may be completely unfamiliar. That's why we'd prefer that most of you stay right where you are. Particularly since if you move here in large numbers we fear you will be all too likely to vote to have the same dysfunction that destroyed the cities you fled visited on us too. Having said that we traditional/conservative/alt-right white people can't afford to cede the big cities to the Leftists who would see us all dispossessed and destroyed. Big cities are the centers of trade, commerce, manufacturing, communications, culture and government. Always have been. So we white country bumpkins are counting on you white city slickers to stand up for yourselves. We'll help. But we can't help much if the majority of you keep voting to be oppressed.
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