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Go West, He-Man
Wench Watch Rocky Mountain Sccouting Report
© 2016 James LaFond
There are six reasons for the young Arуan man to relocate to the Rocky Mountain Littoral:
1. White women, and lots of them!
2. Good looking white women. Take the average cross section of Rocky Mountain wenches and compare them to the top 10% of doable babes in Harm City, and the average Mountain Girls win, hands down.
3. White women who speak English!
4. White women who are not raging menstrual whores for 27-days-a month!
5. Breedable white women, who believe in not going extinct! There are more paleface kids in the mountains than in our teaming city of corruption.
6. White women who like real men and are not questing for the postmodern unicorn of the feminist liturgy—the perfect, hairless, metrosexual drone.
Go west, he-man.
PS: If I were still a young man, I would not have come home. So, you whining White Nationalists, who wale about white genocide even as you shoot blanks at strippers and escorts, see if you can wrangle a corn-fed wench. If I were a young buck, I'd go west, loaded for babe.
On Bitches
Under the God of Things
The Emasculated Mind
the man cave
Dindu Dead Pool
into leviathan’s maw
on the overton railroad
your trojan whorse
plantation america
under the god of things
the year the world took the z-pill
the sunset saga complete
SidVic     Sep 20, 2016

I chastened you in the past for being a bit too pessimistic regarding the deplorable state of american manhood. Has your trip out of charm city increased your optimism?
James     Sep 21, 2016

The older men were men. Most of the younger guys were metrosexuals, hooked into the media culture, not the culture of their fathers.

It was very valuable to view the headwater of the emasculation process.

It made me less optimistic in terms of turning the tide. However, I have seen more than the headwaters of the problem. I have met some extended families that I believe will remain testicular islands in the Mommy Sea. The Mormans look like they will be particularly hard to neuter.

Thanks for this question, I have been mulling it over and lacked the catch to hang it on. I will expand on this in an article.

Take care, SidVic
guest     Sep 21, 2016

btw. The Z Man was just in Baltimore City!

Honky Ball in Bodymore Murderville

"If you want to understand what went wrong in America, walk around Baltimore, where you see what it is, what it should be and why it is not what it could be. It is a city where the people that know better are vastly outnumbered by those largely incapable of maintaining modernity. There are pockets of beauty and excellence, but they exist in a sea of degradation. Baltimore is what is happening in South Africa. Civilization has retreated into pockets the tourists see, hoping to hold out until the world comes to its senses."
JR     Sep 21, 2016

population of Wyoming: ~586,000

population of Baltimore, MD: ~620,000

Better get there fast, too.
James     Sep 21, 2016

If Baltimore tried to invade Wyoming it would be like Xerxes sending his slave girls and kitchen staff to take Thermopolye from the Spartans.

I suspect this is why predominantly paleface federal troops will eventually be sent in to disarm the men and dinduize the area. As it stands, it is not a safe Dindu zone. How do you mug pistol packing rifle men while holding up your cargo shorts with your off hand?

Tanks for that graphic set of numbers, JR
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