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Thank You
Ishmael, for the trip, the boots, the back pack and the ridiculous amount of money you put into that truck's gas tank
© 2016 James LaFond
Shayne, for driving four days towing that camper over the mountains and feeding my brain with hillbilly lore,
Brock, for lending us that super truck,
Jeremy Bentham, Mescaline Franklin and Nero the Pict, for covering the Harm City beat while I was quite literally Beyond the Dindu Pale in The Land of Quaking Clone Trees.
And Debbie, I appreciated the hospitality and wanted you to know, that I did this for you, because after spending a week away with me, your husband has no excuse not to take you away for your dream vacation.
Thank you all. I found the proper direction for the Old West horror series, collected scenes for a modern horror story and a science fiction yarn, picked out settings and characters for Night Song of the Nords and have 21 landscape sketches and seven articles yet to transcribe and post from my hand notes.
I've been invited again for a journey next September and have accepted.
Until then I'll keep on skulking and writing in Dindustan.
Books by James LaFond
Whipping Up the Media Mob
'We're Not Allowed to Stop Them'
broken dance
the lesser angels of our nature
the greatest boxer
solo boxing
the fighting edge
logic of steel
thriving in bad places
plantation america
Ishmael     Sep 22, 2016

Your are most welcome, see you next September!
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