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The Frontlash Begins
MN Establishment Rushes To Repress Anti-Refugee Opinion in the Wake of Mall Stabbings by Jeremy Bentham
© 2016 Jeremy Bentham
“Childish leaders oppress my people, and women rule over them. O my people, your leaders mislead you; they send you down the wrong road.”
- Isaiah 3:12 (NLT)
Every time there is a terrorist attack in America our leaders from our President on down feel the need to add insult to injury by scolding Americans for being racist. You naughty, evil rednecks, we just KNOW you’re looking for any excuse to pick on oppressed people of color. So don’t you even think about it now! You just keep your hands to yourself and face front.
However, the “Backlash” that the Leftists perpetually claim to fear never happens. Regardless of the provocation. Which would seem to give the lie to the Leftist trope that white America is racist and intolerant. White Americans seem pretty tolerant and long-suffering to me. But “SJW’s always lie”; the Left is never persuaded or placated once it targets someone for destruction.
If this “spontaneous Jihadism”, as well as the other forms of “vibrant diversity”, reaches the point that the majority of whites feel personally targeted and backed into a corner…well then we’re likely to see some pushback, as we have seen in other countries. However, this next Presidential election is giving white Americans some hope that they can still make changes within the system, so they’re not ready to “go to the mattress” yet.
Somali St. Cloud Stabbings:
MN Establishment Rushes To Repress Anti-Refugee Opinion
Patrick Cleburne
September 19, 2016, 10:37 am
H/T Pic
The aftermath of the Somali stabbing rampage in St. Cloud yesterday is developing into a classic paradigm of ruthless Elite repression of immivasion opposition – and of course of the worthlessness of Minnesota’s Somali parasites.
Exhibit A of course is Governor Mark Dayton who as Steve Sailer noted last year actually went to St Cloud to announce “Our Economy Cannot Expand Based on White, B+, Minnesota-born Citizens”. He helpfully added
…he was aware of some of the racial issues happening in the St. Cloud area and urged participants to take a stand against what he described as “unacceptable, un-Minnesotan, illegal and immoral” behavior.
“If you are that intolerant, if you are that much of a racist or a bigot, then find another state.”
Today he again made his priorities very clear: Dayton Calls For Tolerance After St. Cloud Mall Attack CBS Minnesota September 18. 2016:
“I ask everyone in the St. Cloud area and throughout Minnesota to rise above this atrocity and act to make religious and racial tolerance one of the ways in which Minnesotans again lead our country,” Dayton said.
No request to MN’s Muslims to stop killing people of course and of course no comment on the wisdom of accelerating the influx of Muslim ‘refugees’.
Minnesota’s Media rushed to Battle Stations, lead by the Minneapolis Star Tribune in St. Cloud has history of tension over Muslims by Pat Pheiffer September 18, 2016, a litany of ludicrously trivial anti Somali incidents proudly concluding with
… in St. Joseph Township, a billboard that targeted Catholic Charities for resettling Muslim …was taken down in February, just days after the sign, which read “Catholic Charities Resettles Islamists: EVIL or INSANITY?” was put up.
Apparently the writer felt no need to report on balancing transgressions by Somalis. [EMAIL Pat Pheiffer]
Powerline notes in Drawing Inferences in St Cloud by Scott Johnson September 18, 2016
As late as noon today the Star Tribune seemed to be holding out hope that the perpetrator was not a Somali Muslim waging jihad but someone attacking Muslims (a suggestion now helpfully removed from the current Star Tribune story).
I dare say Powerline, which can do good work, will be worth checking over the next few days since the event was in their backyard.
At the present time the Star Tribune’s story Family ID’s attacker behind ‘potential act of terrorism’ in St. Cloud By Paul Walsh, Beatrice Dupuy and Brandon Stahl September 18 2016 reports
…his father identified him as Dahir A. Adan, 22. Interviewed Sunday through a translator, Ahmed Adan said his son was born in Africa and had lived in the United States for 15 years.
( emphasis. His father needs a translator after 15 years!!!)
Of course
A cousin down the hall in the same apartment described Dahir Adan as a good person who minded his own business.
The reality is that Muslims resident since childhood in America or even born here are perfectly capable of becoming mass murderers.
Minnesotans are being betrayed their hostile and contemptuous elite.
Another one for the file: Memo To The Donald: Montana Shows All “Refugee” Importation Needs Shutting Down NOW
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Sam J.     Sep 23, 2016

Governor Mark Dayton...went to St Cloud to announce “Our Economy Cannot Expand Based on White, B+, Minnesota-born Citizens”.

How can these people get away with this? What the F**k is wrong with White people? Whenever I hear this kind of nonsense the person who says it is my immediate enemy. I'm fed up with people blaming White people for all the ills of the World. Even if we're responsible I don't want to hear it anymore til other races clean their act up first. Then maybe I'll listen. Whenever people blame White people for...whatever I just tune them out and assume they're lying.
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