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‘The Dindu Martyr in Tulsa’
B. and James on the Next Dindu Christ
© 2016 James LaFond
As for the Dindu martyr in Tulsa, he got high on PCP, parked his whip in the road facing oncoming traffic. When the video starts, he's down on his knees, hands up, cop has her gun drawn on him. Means the cop showed up and whatever he was doing spooked her enough that she drew down and put him on his knees. Then he gets up and walks away from the cops, and reaches into his truck, at which point they pop him.
I would have popped him, too. What were they supposed to do, wait for him to pull a gun out of the truck?
You know, B, in Northeastern Maryland, there is currently a suit against the State Police for shooting and killing a white man—and it was caught on film—as he refused to comply with orders while sitting in his car with the door open. Of course, that will not make the national media grade.
This Dindu silverback guy clearly disobeyed people who had guns pointed at him.
You know, cops always used to tell us—and still do—not to disobey criminals who point guns at us.
I do have a problem with bitch cops, because they only have the gun option. I had one screaming at me hysterically with her hand on her gun because some Dindu called the cops down on me for not wanting to get mugged. All I did was step back and stand my ground against this bloated Hoodrat and then some big-ass bitch comes out of the woodwork and immediately panics and puts her hand on her gun over the sight of my white beard?
Women have a purpose and police work is not one of them.
Look at this plump little ϲunt.
Can she accomplish any application of force, other than firearm use, against a sober, fit man, let alone a stoned gorilla?
Interestingly, the Asian den mother of the daytime talk show I saw this reported on, declined to name the officer as a white woman, but only as a white officer. Mentioning that she was a woman would not fit the narrative. I think we have a real problem with female cops now that the Dindus know they will get media support for resisting—now the bitch cops will have to shoot.
What else could they possibly do?
The media and public does expect guns only to be used against guns, because they have this infantile way of looking at force as a "fight." This has even been nurtured by police spokesman reporting gang stompings, stabbings and other attacks as "fights." this is also the way law enforcement looks at use of force against an attacker by a civilian defender. If your big, fit self decided to Judo throw me and stomp me, in Maryland I would be limited to defending with my hands. If I used a knife to stop you then I would be using excessive force by most measures. Even judges expect a fair contest. In a way, I'm thrilled that cops are beginning to be held to the same ridiculous use of force parameters that I am held to. Since I no longer work security or run a business no cop will ever do anything to protect or aid me, but only harm and compromise me, so I like to see them getting burned. For one thing, it's a guide to what can happen to a home owner in a home invasion. Basically, civilians are held to the standards while defending themselves in their home that police are held to applying force on the street. So it is a useful barometer.
Most of the readers will tend to see it your way, so feel free to add a comment.
Thanks, B.
Since God obviously designed women to be raped by men, why do we think women should be policing men?
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Jeremy Bentham     Sep 22, 2016

Why cops are taught not to let suspects return to their cars. Beware of people acting crazy and uncooperative during a traffic stop. Even white people.

Suspect: “Die Fucker!” Cop: "Aiiiieeeee!" (Police Shootout - Deputy Kyle Dinkheller - Laurens County, GA 3:27)

Maybe it's just me, but I'm inclined to believe it makes an impression on police recruits when they are shown this video during training.
B     Sep 22, 2016

I agree that women have absolutely no place in combat, policing, firefighting, commercial fishing or any other physically intense and risky occupation.

But in this case, any male cop in his right mind would have shot that Dindu. She correctly identified him as being high on PCP. There is no way that anyone in their right mind will get in a grappling match with someone high on PCP. Getting your face eaten is not fun. I do not give a shit if it's some 120 lb douche high on bath salts or wet or whatever the hell, I am not getting into a fight with him if I can shoot him. Too many stories of people whose brain inhibition comes off picking up cars and whatnot.

It's obviously bad that the cops in the US are so castrated that half of them are women and all of them have increasingly binary choices between shooting people and speaking to them in a stern voice.
Travolta     Sep 22, 2016

As best I can tell from the helicopter sots at the beginning, it appears the windows are closed and light is reflecting off them. So I'm not sure he's reaching in his car.
Sam J.     Sep 23, 2016

I have no idea what the guy was doing or what the police said to him and I certainly can't tell whether he was on pcp or not by this video. I do like the statement,"...Basically, civilians are held to the standards while defending themselves in their home that police are held to applying force on the street. So it is a useful barometer..."

I like that. Maybe if the police are held to the same standards then they will change their minds about what a "fight" consist of.
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