Note that this white girl is socially black in diction, totally Dindufied. Tommy is right. When a gang of black thugs attempted to do this with my oldest son, I took care of it, breaking numerous laws and promising to break the rest. The only thing they understand is superior force and ferocity.
The threat to family is leveled at whites because most whites have an instinct to protect their family’s head of household, because white society is money-based, not honor-based, with no tribal component, whereas the Dindus, with their hyena-level clannish instincts, use the individual to get to the enemy group.
Thriving in Bad Places
Except for the remnants of Scots-Irish hill folk in the Midwest. Even mine, who migrated north to become flatland hillbillies, would have shot these cretins and then burned their houses down for good measure. Blood kin counted over all else.
Proud to share the planet with you, Sir.