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‘We Are Softer’
© 2016 James LaFond
‘We Are Softer’
This is one of the most disgusting, emasculating podcasts I have listened to. The idea that only low IQ thugs can succeed in combat sports—using the worst combat sport, football, as an example and drawing parallels with boxing, suggesting that boxing is black-dominated—is just ridiculous. White and Latino men dominate boxing and MMA in most weight classes. By the way, in ancient Rome, gladiators from Sub Sahara Africa did not dominate. European warriors dominated in the gladiatorial arena.
There is a total lack of understanding that the fastest growing sport is the UFC, the largest MMA franchise. In terms of boxing, black men are only competitive at the top level from 145-2005, and only dominate a couple of those weight classes. Basically, 160-168 pounds is the sweet spot for black boxers, and an Eastern European known as Triple G is the #1 man at 160 and #2 at 168. 175 is owned by a Russian who has beaten blacks mercilessly for years, with a grin on his face!
I have a huge problem with spectator sports as a social diversion and of football, in particular, as a game that glorifies a small minority of thugs and ignores most of the players that are hard-working none-criminals. The problem with football is the fans who worship thuggish players like Ray Lewis. The guest is so emasculated, so horrified that anyone would risk injury or death for anything, that he provides an example of the weak white man that will watch his loved ones abducted, raped, murdered by thugs-where a thug would watch no such thing, but fight. In my mind, the thug that protects his ho is on a higher moral plain then the law abiding citizen who demands the government protect and avenge him and his. If sissies like this abound in the “Alternative Right,” it truly is the end.
I have beaten and puked out numerous gigantic high school and college football players. A fighter I know punked out Ray Lewis in a Baltimore bar, when the murderous baby forgot to bring his entourage!
The total disconnect by these guys that white quarter backs are just poster children, when they are required for a successful team, because black men are generally incapable of effectively organizing without white leadership, is incredible.
Blacks are not supermen, they are this sick society’s abused children. I have had numerous black boxers come to me for advice and training because it does not flow freely and effectively through black boxing gyms. Taking the mind out of combat and aggression is to suggest that the German Military of WWII inflicted 15-1 casualties on the Russian Military because they were bigger and more muscular, when, of course, it was because they were more intelligent and disciplined than the enemy. Disciplined intelligence matters in just about any form of combat, even in the very artificial game of football, that does not develop effective everyday combatants, but rather a contentious breed of livestock trained to specialize in a weirdly concussive ritual wargame.
I actually hate football, especially the NFL, at a gut level, and have never since I threatened to KO my high school football coach and walked off the field and decided that free forms of fighting were my future. But if this flight from physicality and combat effectiveness, which seems to run like a whining chord through white identity politics maintains its hold on so-called race realists; if combat, in all of its private and public permutations is viewed as purely the province of black supermen, than we can just lisp on into oblivion.
I hope the guy with the man’s voice is the host. I have never listened on this site, but I can only hope. In any case, the man’s recommendation of the movie North Dallas Forty, is a good call.
As for their theory of Peak Football, I absolutely agree. The non-emasculated speaker actually points out that New England wins because they have so many smart white guys on offense. But the drumbeat of emasculation, seemingly, must sound, beating like some jungle drum declaring African racial supremacy in combat every time one of these lisping “Right Wingers” opens his mouth.
At about 1:10 the absolutely emasculated guy whines the swan song of the white race—“we are soft…”
Football, please go away.
Sissy spokesmen for white men, please go away.
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Ishmael     Sep 25, 2016

I agree, except on my 3 yrs playing defensive football, the smartest, most hard-nosed players were wrestlers! Hands down.I learned on my only attempt at team play, I could beat the pretty narcissistic quarterback to a pulp, fun times!
PR     Sep 25, 2016

"But if this flight from physicality and combat effectiveness, which seems to run like a whining chord through white identity politics maintains its hold on so-called race realists"

Most of the talk from alt-righters discusses how to flee the invaders rather than how to oppose them. Physical defense is not always necessary - as you have proven - as long as long as you are willing and able to do physical harm.

Many alt-righters spend way too much time on the computer and none doing anything physical.
JR     Sep 26, 2016

that person is Paul Kersey who's the guest.

In Richard Spencer's defense, he took the fight to the enemy in the form of a protest at UC Berkeley with some other fellows. Video (2+hrs) here of the protest . The protest was relatively uneventful but they didn't know that going in. The antifa have promised the next one won't be.

One of the others at the protest was Nathan Damigo who you may be interested in and has an interesting life story; here's an interview with Red Ice's Henrik Palmgren:
Hugh Maguire     Sep 26, 2016

The new right is utterly dominated by mewling sissies. They talk about caste and heirarchy but don't have the intestinal fortitude to assert themselves in any masculine arena. I attended one of their conferences and listened to them prattle about what shoes one of the speakers chose to compliment his suit. Disciplined intelligence, small unit initiative, and aggression win fights and win wars
Fatmanjudo     Sep 30, 2016

Speaking from middle class whitebreadistan in the Midwest. Football is a dying sport. Fathers who previously would have been horrified that their kid would not play football just shrug and send their kids off to soccer practice. Already it is viewed that putting your kid in football is similar as if you put him in boxing; killing brain cells. Job prospects uber alles. Kids that don't play the sport are unlikely to support it when older. Peak football indeed.
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