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Looking Glass by VJ Waks
ComicCon Chicago: 8/8-11/2013 & GENCON INDY: 8/15-19/2013
© 2013 James LaFond
Award-winning Novelist VJ Waks is launching her limited hardback pre-release of Looking Glass, her sequel to Rabbit Hole. VJ specializes in science-fiction with a horrific dystopian edge, and dark fantasy. In a literary age of politically correct monogamous non-violent vampire romance and mindless physical horror movies, she is a breath of fresh air. VJ will be available to autograph copies at the above events this summer, and we have two site links for her on our network page.
If you are a literary visitor to this site, I would like to point out that most of our readers are boxers, stick-fighters, duelists, survivalists, and assorted MMA-friendly testosterone vectors. What follows is for their benefit.
Okay, I know you haven’t read a novel since To Kill a Mocking Bird sent you to the book store for cliff notes in the 10th grade. So let me describe VJ Waks’ fiction to you so that you can understand it…
Suppose you and your meathead buddy, who you moved with to Coconut Groove Florida to train at Planet Meathead and become the next big MMA stars, decided to take a bus back home to East Gearhead Indiana. Ten hours in you are so bored that your meathead buddy actually reads a novel that he lifted from some snoozing suit. And, lo and behold, this knucklebrain comes up with a really cool idea for a novel that he wants Quinton Tarantino to make into a movie!
Now you, naturally the supportive type, point out that he can’t even properly forge his baby’s mammas’ WIC checks at the WalMart checkout, and has about a fudge pop’s chance in hell of writing a novel. The rest of the way back home he asks you all kinds of questions about your 12th Grade English teacher.
When you get back to East Gearhead you notice he’s not standing in the middle of the street drinking Keystone Light and watching the drag race with you and the rest of the geniuses. After a few beers you figure out what your blood brother is up to and dart over to East Gearhead High and heroically break in through the second story window and make your way down to the Rec Council Closet. He has the English teacher duct-taped to a chair in front of her old electric typewriter while he rambles on about his ‘kick ass book’ and she keeps correcting his grammar, tenaciously refusing to misuse the English language even at threat to her life and limb.
Since you are a lightweight and he’s a heavyweight, you grab the Lady’s 250,000 word Oxford Unabridged English Dictionary and beat his big ass with it! After you slap on that triangle choke, put his dumbass to sleep, and get her home to her old man, she’s free to write that story like an articulate adult.
That’s a VJ Waks book.
Okay, if you have not been to one of these nerd gatherings, don’t panic. There’s like ten chicks, 20,000 bone racks and fat sacks, and you Conan. Oh yeah, one more thing, VJ is a looker—that’s right, you guys are still adolescents—I mean she’s 'hot'. So shoulder your way through that sea of soft geeks and let the lady know she has friends in sweaty places. Don’t be nervous, she’s a lady, and named after a queen—the chicks with white gloves and the spikey hats—and will smile forgivingly when you mispronounce the title of her book.
I know I’m picking on you again Angel. Now sign off and go lose twenty-three more pounds before that big-eared Brazilian beats it off of you in the cage…
As for the rest of you knuckleheads, tell VJ that LaFond said, ‘good day’.
The Key of Heaven and Hell
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Akshat Jiwan Sharma     Aug 3, 2013

Lol that is a nice way to do a review. Also I did not know that this blog was about boxing!

In my free time I box and practice a bit of stick fighting (dual wield) just as an enthusiast though.

Your bio is pretty impressive too. Teach me!
James     Aug 3, 2013

Akshat, you are an excellent judge of character!

I have been a knucklehead for most of my life and was poking fun at myself as much as Angel in the review of Ms. Waks' work.

I am available to be beaten at your convenience.
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