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Three Men
A Note on Vigilante Justice in Pro Sports
© 2016 James LaFond
The names and team and even the sport concerned, are not explicitly detailed in this article in order to preserve the domesticated dignity of the athlete at the core of this story. I have this tale on good authority—from an unimpeachable source. The story itself demonstrates how—even in our filthy times, where criminals are championed by the State, sissies are the rule and any man who settles a manly matter with his hands is beyond the pale—men may band together against the hive that seeks to turn us all out like drones in winter unless we submit to physical and/or spiritual emasculation.
A champion athlete, member of a large sports franchise, was set to break a record.
Before game time word came that The Athlete had found his wife making love in his house to a famous movie star.
He was giving up his chance at breaking the record while he was breaking this pretty boy’s face.
However, his boss told the head electrician at the facility that The Athlete would not lose his chance at immortal fame over this actor, looked at the electrician and said, “We are having a power outage tonight.”
A power outage there was, as the sissy lover was beaten to a pulp and sent back to Hollywood and The Athlete earned his record after this manly intermission for a brutal break.
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